Saturday, November 22, 2008

Pumping file from the server on server.

Customer: [Dress] Nikolai (Nick_D)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, Web- programming the budget: ? Is necessary script for pumping of files from the server on server.http: / / / projects / 83103.html

Parser [yamarket

Customer: Filipov Sergey (cjseriy)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? [Yandeks] blocks parser with the search from [yamarketa] - it is necessary to correct. It earlier worked normally, but after it is more than an increase in [kollichestva] of the conclusion of goods from 100 to 200 or more it ceased to search for that or.http: / / / projects / 83102.html

Script is the transfer HTML into tif

Customer: Alexander Ivanov (AlexandraI)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? Script is the transfer HTML into tif. during generation and retention of php by the script of page into the folder, it alters it into tif and preserves in another folder. Everything is static - folder always the same. Write: Price, to [asku] and the period:). Your proposals are hidden before others.http: / / / projects / 83121.html

Friday, November 21, 2008

Writing the script of pop-under.

Customer: Sergei Of alex (s20s)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: to 100 USD it is necessary to write JS script. Can become acquainted with TZ: http: // with the successful fulfillment of assignments, we design for a constant collaboration.http: / / / projects / 82933.html

Conversion of forum from phpBB to IPB (2)

Customer: [Sukhinin] Dmitriy (Sukhov)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, the design of the sites
Budget: to 100 USD forum to phpBB 2.0.22 1. must be converted in IPB (last version, license) with the transfer of all posts, [yuzerov], fastened files and it is desirable the groups of users. Registration on the forum is tied with the registration from cms (LIMB) of site. It is necessary to preserve these bonds (bridges). 2. there are graphic operating times to unique [skin] of forum in IPB, on basis of which it is necessary to make valuable [skin]. We take to itself all designer works. Trading is possible.http: / / / projects / 67139.html

Writing the script of pop-under.

Customer: Sergei Of alex (s20s)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: to 100 USD it is necessary to write JS script. Can become acquainted with TZ: http: // with the successful fulfillment of assignments, we design for a constant collaboration.http: / / / projects / 82933.html

Basket for [partnerki] To [khaksi].[ru

Customer: Alexander (dhtml)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? Interests the development of basket with the sending of orders for [partnerok] [Khaksi].[ru] Of [prikrutka] of this basket to the cursors: oscomerce, shopscript, phpshophttp: / / / projects / 82916.html

FTP Of client

Customer: Novice Vadim (mailvn)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? Is necessary the script of the load of the file through the form on FTP server from progressbar (size of file, rolled, speed, it remained time).http: / / / projects / 82876.html

Course work. [S]++ Of builder.

Customer: Kuznetsov Mikhail (MVK)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts, the development of applied ON the budget: ? Indicate price and periods. Thanks.http: / / / projects / 82867.html

Script or the program

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

To find error in the work of the script

Customer: [Kuzmin] Maxim (maxum)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, the Web- programming
Budget: ? Necessary to find error in you [skrite] the catalog of articles (error in all likelihood in the work with the base). Script is small, modification subsequently possibly will be required. Reward - 5 to [ue] the address of site - http: // in [lichku], I will send script to executor.http: / / / projects / 82909.html

Basket for [partnerki] To [khaksi].[ru

Customer: Alexander (dhtml)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? Interests the development of basket with the sending of orders for [partnerok] [Khaksi].[ru] Of [prikrutka] of this basket to the cursors: oscomerce, shopscript, phpshophttp: / / / projects / 82916.html

To find error in the work of the script

Customer: [Kuzmin] Maxim (maxum)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, the Web- programming
Budget: ? Necessary to find error in you [skrite] the catalog of articles (error in all likelihood in the work with the base). Script is small, modification subsequently possibly will be required. Reward - 5 to [ue] the address of site - http: // in [lichku], I will send script to executor.http: / / / projects / 82909.html

Script or the program

Customer: Dmitriy Nikolayev (mrTORN)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, the development of applied [po]
Budget: ? Is necessary the script or the program, which makes it possible to separate text in the window the Web chat room, the site [zdelannogo] on Flesch and to place him into the buffer of exchange. Example of the site: in the chat room of this site it is possible to isolate only one word, and it is necessary to separate to [ipomeshchat] into the buffer entire proposals. In [printsype] this all is necessary for the rapid transfer of text with the Engl. in the Russian. You write all this themselves or you will select already finished - to me unimportantly, provided it worked without the problems. If in whom is other ideas I [sudovolstviem] with them I will become acquainted. Main thing: rapid and convenient transfer. PS. proposal of the type: you teach English - it does not approach: "http: / / / projects / 82890.html

FTP Of client

Customer: Novice Vadim (mailvn)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? Is necessary the script of the load of the file through the form on FTP server from progressbar (size of file, rolled, speed, it remained time).http: / / / projects / 82876.html

Wap project! (2)

Customer: [Makeev] Dmitriy (skainet)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: 40 USD the small modifications Of wap of project (partner program) (php, wml, xhtml, Sql,) work experience from wap is required!!!http: / / / projects / 76476.html

Java/of javascipt HTML of screenshoter

Customer: Maxim Of [viktorovich] (DiAngelo)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, the Web- programming
Budget: ? To c[delat] [skrinshot] of the defined element of page (wonders with the map Of [gugla]) by the means Of java/Of flash (not Javascript, t to the march this impossibly) for example, and to transmit the preserved file on the server or to accumulate of him locally into the folder which will indicate [yuzer] Of c[kript] it must they [upravlyatsya] through Javascript, with the indication of such parameters as: id div'a (content of which it is necessary to [zaskrinshotit]), path (let where to preserve) or if problem with the retention to the local machine, then transmit on the server, in this case to have the capability to indicate URL who will assume file with the picture. for the contact to knock in ICQ: ***http: / / / projects / 82844.html

Module for the Internet store (ajax, php) (2)

Customer: [Khorev] Dmitriy (bm00n)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: 250 USD it is necessary on the basis of the existing designer of sports shirts to develop the simplified survey and the editing of goods. To make is must rapidly, is desirable the executor of on-line during the workday. See [attach].http: / / / projects / 81794.html

Automatic transfer of the contained store

Customer: Sergeyev Dmitriy (anodin)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? Is the Internet the store, already [napolnenyy] by goods and leading trade. A total of about 250 goods. Problem - [samopisnyy] cursor, which is not very convenient. Which is necessary. To write what first script or as that by automatic weapon to transfer all commodity designations to the new cursor (umi of cms of pro of commerce) on the whole so that it would be possible to flood umi and store further continued to function. Work is very thin. I will return it only thereby in whom it was a similar experience of transfer or who will show that he knows and it can all this [pernesti] without any problems.http: / / / projects / 82837.html

Export of goods into xml

Customer: [Prozhogina] Anna (yaiua)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? Export of goods from OsCommerce into xml for such catalogs as,, shop.i.uahttp: / / / projects / 82830.html

Thursday, November 20, 2008

a cursor of the type of

Customer: Constantine [Maniev] (youkko)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, system of administration [kontentom]
Budget: ? Is necessary a cursor of the type of Your proposals. Write in [asku] - not [stesnyayteya].http: / / / projects / 82813.html

To develop the form of registration as to

Customer: Cake Andrey (walkman7)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: 5 USD is examples simply necessary to hitch to the registration form of the cursor Of dataLifeEngine here the example to validity this the basis of http: // semaphore/A here is an example of http: // registration)http: / / / projects / 82811.html

To develop the form of registration as to

Customer: Cake Andrey (walkman7)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: 5 USD is examples simply necessary to hitch to the registration form of the cursor Of dataLifeEngine here the example to validity this the basis of http: // semaphore/A here is an example of http: // registration)http: / / / projects / 82811.html

a cursor of the type of

Customer: Constantine [Maniev] (youkko)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, system of administration [kontentom]
Budget: ? Is necessary a cursor of the type of Your proposals. Write in [asku] - not [stesnyayteya].http: / / / projects / 82813.html

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

[Parsing] of the news and [kontenta]

Customer: Ivan [Konovalenko] (limix)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? Is necessary the script of [parsinga] of the news and [kontenta] of ***http: / / / projects / 82592.html

Script for positioning the commentaries into Livejournal

Customer: Swedes Pavel Alexandrovich (freecode)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, the Web- programming
Budget: ? Is required to write script/library which it can place commentaries in To write desirably on PHP, at the worst Perl.http: / / / projects / 82573.html

Module for position finding from GSM

Customer: Goats [E].[V]. (Invest777)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? The task - of making the client for the honeycomb, who will determine the location of this apparatus and issue coordinates on server.http: / / / projects / 82557.html

Module for the through authorization of joomla 1.5

Customer: [Lyubka] Miron Mikhaylovich (muron)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? It is necessary to create the module of authorization, which, during the authorization on the main site, authorizes user with the same data also on [podsaytakh]. Users on all [podsaytakh] and main site are identical, with identical data.http: / / / projects / 82575.html

Transfer of the quotations

Customer: Ivanov Of ivan (astroy)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? It is necessary to realize the transfer of quotations and rocking tick history from the program Of [dukaskopi] into Global Of server 1. realization of [plagina] (SubServer) to Microsoft Of [s]++ for Global Of server. [Plagin] can be written with the aid of [S]++ with the use of a library MFC 5.0. 2. realization of the transfer of quotations and rocking tick history from the program Of [dukaskopi] into Global Of server through written [plagin] (SubServer). This module realizes to Java. Quotations are transferred and inject rocking on the protocol [TS]P.http: / / / projects / 82524.html

[Parsing] of the news and [kontenta]

Customer: Ivan [Konovalenko] (limix)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? Is necessary the script of [parsinga] of the news and [kontenta] of ***http: / / / projects / 82592.html

Script for positioning the commentaries into Livejournal

Customer: Swedes Pavel Alexandrovich (freecode)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, the Web- programming
Budget: ? Is required to write script/library which it can place commentaries in To write desirably on PHP, at the worst Perl.http: / / / projects / 82573.html

Module for position finding from GSM

Customer: Goats [E].[V]. (Invest777)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? The task - of making the client for the honeycomb, who will determine the location of this apparatus and issue coordinates on server.http: / / / projects / 82557.html

Module for the through authorization of joomla 1.5

Customer: [Lyubka] Miron Mikhaylovich (muron)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? It is necessary to create the module of authorization, which, during the authorization on the main site, authorizes user with the same data also on [podsaytakh]. Users on all [podsaytakh] and main site are identical, with identical data.http: / / / projects / 82575.html

Script for positioning the commentaries into Livejournal

Customer: Swedes Pavel Alexandrovich (freecode)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, the Web- programming
Budget: ? Is required to write script/library which it can place commentaries in To write desirably on PHP, at the worst Perl.http: / / / projects / 82573.html

Creation of popup of the cursor

Customer: Kolomenskiy Of mikhail (MKmaster)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, testing [po]
Budget: 500 USD the creation of a similar cursor with the installation and with the testing - Period of 20 days. to 10.12.08 work on [predoplate] - 50%http: / / / projects / 82505.html

Mathematical problem on VBA

Customer: Nedzvetsky Of anton (liser25)
Category: Development of applied [po]
Budget: 50 USD it is necessary to [sostravit] program for the location of reciprocal matrix by the method of Gauss. matrix is taken from exel and with the aid of VBA is processed. Matrix of [proizolnogo] order. Here and all TZhttp: / / / projects / 82533.html

Module for position finding from GSM

Customer: Goats [E].[V]. (Invest777)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? The task - of making the client for the honeycomb, who will determine the location of this apparatus and issue coordinates on server.http: / / / projects / 82557.html

Transfer of the quotations

Customer: Ivanov Of ivan (astroy)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? It is necessary to realize the transfer of quotations and rocking tick history from the program Of [dukaskopi] into Global Of server 1. realization of [plagina] (SubServer) to Microsoft Of [s]++ for Global Of server. [Plagin] can be written with the aid of [S]++ with the use of a library MFC 5.0. 2. realization of the transfer of quotations and rocking tick history from the program Of [dukaskopi] into Global Of server through written [plagin] (SubServer). This module realizes to Java. Quotations are transferred and inject rocking on the protocol [TS]P.http: / / / projects / 82524.html

Designer of the houses

Customer: Nightingale Dmitriy (SVOBODA-Group)
Category: Development of the games
Budget: ? Is required to prepare [flesh] the designer of houses for the site of component by mail. If you please, proposal only with experience and example of work in this regionhttp: / / / projects / 82496.html

Creation of the printed forms of 1[S] 8.1

Customer: Oleg Of koshkin (Oleg_Vic)
Category: Development of applied [po]
Budget: ? Creation of the printed forms of 1[S] 8.1 for the standard trade.http: / / / projects / 82564.html

Transfer of the quotations

Customer: Ivanov Of ivan (astroy)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? It is necessary to realize the transfer of quotations and rocking tick history from the program Of [dukaskopi] into Global Of server 1. realization of [plagina] (SubServer) to Microsoft Of [s]++ for Global Of server. [Plagin] can be written with the aid of [S]++ with the use of a library MFC 5.0. 2. realization of the transfer of quotations and rocking tick history from the program Of [dukaskopi] into Global Of server through written [plagin] (SubServer). This module realizes to Java. Quotations are transferred and inject rocking on the protocol [TS]P.http: / / / projects / 82524.html

Mathematical problem on VBA

Customer: Nedzvetsky Of anton (liser25)
Category: Development of applied [po]
Budget: 50 USD it is necessary to [sostravit] program for the location of reciprocal matrix by the method of Gauss. matrix is taken from exel and with the aid of VBA is processed. Matrix of [proizolnogo] order. Here and all TZhttp: / / / projects / 82533.html

Designer of the houses

Customer: Nightingale Dmitriy (SVOBODA-Group)
Category: Development of the games
Budget: ? Is required to prepare [flesh] the designer of houses for the site of component by mail. If you please, proposal only with experience and example of work in this regionhttp: / / / projects / 82496.html

Creation of popup of the cursor

Customer: Kolomenskiy Of mikhail (MKmaster)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, testing [po]
Budget: 500 USD the creation of a similar cursor with the installation and with the testing - Period of 20 days. to 10.12.08 work on [predoplate] - 50%http: / / / projects / 82505.html

Module for position finding from GSM

Customer: Goats [E].[V]. (Invest777)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? The task - of making the client for the honeycomb, who will determine the location of this apparatus and issue coordinates on server.http: / / / projects / 82557.html

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Development of the data base for the children's camp

Customer: [Voyts] Vasiliy (Voyts)
Category: Development of the data bases, the Web- programming
Budget: I greet to 250 USD! Task - of developing the base of data (mysql, php, ajax), for the possibility of the remote work) for the children's camp. Technical task can [skachat] here (http: // tz3.doc), you having in turn become acquainted - you make decision about the collaboration! Payment - contractual, depending on the volume of work. Periods of fulfillment - month. If you [zainteresovanny], please to write to the electronic mail. Contacts: Vasiliy (495) *** of *** Moscowhttp: / / / projects / 82329.html

It is necessary to make the script, which gathers information (2)

Customer: Yegorov Sergey (egorov142)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: 50 USD the creation of the script of that gathering information from the specific resources in the Internet and [dobovlyayushikh] on to the specific sites on the thematics.http: / / / projects / 59551.html

Script for the automatic registration in the forums

Customer: [Aroyan] Ruben (RubenPiter)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, the development of applied [po]
Budget: ? Task. Screw die of satellite networks. Possibilities: Addition of forums and [td] from the bases Of [khrumera] and similar the analog Of [khrumera] and [Olbsabmiterahttp: / / / projects / 82284.html

Program for the automation of the process is necessary

Customer: [Makarychev] Alexander [Dmitrievich] (NoNamerz)
Category: Development of applied [po]
Budget: ? How do you do, to me is necessary program for the automation of one process, so that it would read the fact that written and independently this made. I think this not strongly heavy task, if it interests, write in [lichku] - let us discuss everything and I will accurately say that precisely and you [nazovetet] your sum!http: / / / projects / 82248.html

Modification Of shop-Script

Customer: [Aresov] Of [artes] (SMSdesign)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, the Internet- stores
Budget: ? It is necessary to bring [Premium] or WebAsyst (as it will be more conveniently) to the mind, to namely obtain as a result the possibility: 1. to assign brand in the card of goods 2. special-proposal of day as module (possible to make a double of that existing, but [vobshchem] not built-in and one more) 3. CNC - Computer Numerical Control 4. cloud of tags 5. export in [KHML] in USD - [t].[e] now unloads everything in rub. am not necessary even conversion it is necessary very currency of usd I so I understand that after transferring script to WebAsyst points 3 and 4 drop off period and cost they are expected in the proposalshttp: / / / projects / 82269.html

Parser is ozone to complete

Customer: Philip Sergey (cjseriy)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? It is necessary to complete parser for ozone. Completely it works. No. to correct so that the text would be added with the accurate size. It is in more detail into [lichku]. Budget is minimum!http: / / / projects / 82255.html

Script of the catalog

Customer: It is cata seeds (_KT)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: to 100 USD it is necessary to make a script the analog of here this page with the [adminkoy] of http: // in more detail with the correspondence.http: / / / projects / 82266.html

Script for the automatic registration in the forums

Customer: [Aroyan] Ruben (RubenPiter)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, the development of applied [po]
Budget: ? Task. Screw die of satellite networks. Possibilities: Addition of forums and [td] from the bases Of [khrumera] and similar the analog Of [khrumera] and [Olbsabmiterahttp: / / / projects / 82284.html

Modification Of shop-Script

Customer: [Aresov] Of [artes] (SMSdesign)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, the Internet- stores
Budget: ? It is necessary to bring [Premium] or WebAsyst (as it will be more conveniently) to the mind, to namely obtain as a result the possibility: 1. to assign brand in the card of goods 2. special-proposal of day as module (possible to make a double of that existing, but [vobshchem] not built-in and one more) 3. CNC - Computer Numerical Control 4. cloud of tags 5. export in [KHML] in USD - [t].[e] now unloads everything in rub. am not necessary even conversion it is necessary very currency of usd I so I understand that after transferring script to WebAsyst points 3 and 4 drop off period and cost they are expected in the proposalshttp: / / / projects / 82269.html

Script of the catalog

Customer: It is cata seeds (_KT)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: to 100 USD it is necessary to make a script the analog of here this page with the [adminkoy] of http: // in more detail with the correspondence.http: / / / projects / 82266.html

To make a partner catalog for the Muzas of site from zero.

Customer: Krupinkin Of niko (NikoShark)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, the Internet- stores
Budget: to 500 USD it is necessary to make a partner catalog according to the type: http: // of the requirement: A catalog must be made from zero. Those. it is necessary that it would differ from the fact that there is. It is necessary that made the programmer, who is investigated in [SEO]. It is in more detail about the [nobkhodimom] collection of [fich] with the personal correspondence.http: / / / projects / 82275.html

Parser is ozone to complete

Customer: Philip Sergey (cjseriy)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? It is necessary to complete parser for ozone. Completely it works. No. to correct so that the text would be added with the accurate size. It is in more detail into [lichku]. Budget is minimum!http: / / / projects / 82255.html

Program for the automation of the process is necessary

Customer: [Makarychev] Alexander [Dmitrievich] (NoNamerz)
Category: Development of applied [po]
Budget: ? How do you do, to me is necessary program for the automation of one process, so that it would read the fact that written and independently this made. I think this not strongly heavy task, if it interests, write in [lichku] - let us discuss everything and I will accurately say that precisely and you [nazovetet] your sum!http: / / / projects / 82248.html

MP3 prospector (2)

Customer: Po Iu (av_newlife)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, the Web- programming
Budget: ? Necessary to make an analog on the functional of I understand, that in [pablike] scripts to find is possible, but there is no time to the searches. Therefore can propose finished versions, but workers!!! Compulsorily leave indicate price. Periods do not harvest. It is interested in the smallest price.http: / / / projects / 81205.html

Monday, November 17, 2008

Small Of javascript

Customer: Bockor (bockor)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? The script, which processes url[y] of site, neglected in the frame, is necessary. It is in more detail into [lichku].http: / / / projects / 82197.html

Modification BY THEM

Customer: [Bezdetko] Dmitriy [Valerevich] (lucky777)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: 50 USD 1) to make the floating up [soobshchee] about the fact that minimum of Zak 500 rub to, i.e., make so that the client could not design order, if it less than 500 rub 2) if there is no picture, then at its place there must not be of text with the name of this picture 3) in the letter, which comes after the order of goods, it is necessary to put the specific text 4) to make a button in [adminke] for the automatic creation by invoice in the size of exel 5) to be dismantled with the reductions on the site. 6) to add in the upper by right to angle the time of video in the common list of video To [nakiku] still of 10$ if you make up into pages new-year elements to the site (they are already made, there remained only to make up into pages) desirable to write exemplary periods.http: / / / projects / 82147.html

Simple of [stateynik] for the colored of wap

Customer: [Mvydanovich] Victor (zaratustrik)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: 5 USD it is necessary white resists -[stateynik] for the Christian parables. People see references to the articles, on 10 to the page. When man reads article, then 2 references the below following article main [Adminka]. Paul introduction the name of article Paul text entry of article ok! And all =) THE MAXIMUM of 5 wmz, that, who writes for more - request not [otmechatsya], t to more i do not have on [vebmani], and supplement I will be not soon. ICQ: *** By all thanks =)http: / / / projects / 82148.html

Is necessary the parser of the rss- news on PHP

Customer: [Mikheichev] Alexander (Sany333)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: to 50 USD is necessary the parser of the news, which will [parsit] from http: // Addition of the undertaken news in [BDhttp: / / / projects / 82054.html

To correct the shortages of 7 printed forms of fast of report

Customer: Ovart Of ovart (ovart)
Category: The development of applied ON, is other the budget: 40 USD to connect cells, background, lineshttp: / / / projects / 82051.html

Post module on C#

Customer: [Buynitskiy] Andrey (Fredoss)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? Is required the creation of post module on C# (for ASP.NET 2.0). Basic possibilities: 1. tuning the basic parameters from the administrative part of the site (mail server, coding, and of [td]); 2. possibility of using the templates of letters; 3. editing of templates in the WISIWIG- editor. The cost of operation I please to indicate immediately.http: / / / projects / 82034.html

Consultations on BHO

Customer: Ivanov Aleksey (weblancejobs)
Category: Development of applied ON, the development of system ON the budget: ? Are required consultations on BHO, 50$ /h.http: / / / projects / 82036.html

Sunday, November 16, 2008

To write [soft] for the site:)

Customer: Darwin Dmitriy (Barrakuda_Ltd)
Category: Development of applied ON, the Web- programming
Budget: to 500 USD it is necessary to write [soft] for [brouzera] ([plagin]) which will allow to reflect advertising information user loaded it from the site and will make possible to obtain secret information from the site subsequently. Details on the project, if you please here - ***.http: / / / projects / 81849.html