Saturday, September 27, 2008

Russifitsirovaniye of the program

Customer: Teplenev Maxim (Teplenew) The category: Technical transfers,
the development of applied ON the budget: to 100 usd it is necessary
to russifitsirovat' the following program: http:
// (version 2002). Each, who
is ready to Russianize it, you will ascertain that you accomplished
the ukzannye actions: 1. Skachali became acquainted with the program.
2. They examined it of intstrumentakh utilized by you and ascertained
that it yields to change. Furthermore, it is necessary to change
everywhere types (with MS Gothic and MS P Gothic to what or sane, for
example Arial). Payment - only for the fact of obtaining result and
testing by me. If to you everywhere seem to swindlers - can pass by
this project.http: / / / projects / 73546.html

Transfer of forum to Bitriks from the site to the site

Customer: Victor (Usa-Today) the category: Scripts/Web- application,
administration systems kontentom the budget: ? It is necessary to
transfer forum to bitriks from one site to another. Urgently.http: / / / projects / 73521.html

To complete parser for DLE 7.2 (to S++)

Customer: Vinogradov Armen (bioprodakshen) The category: Scripts/Web-
application, the development of applied ON the budget: to 100 usd
there is an almost finished parser, it must be COMPLETED. Parser for
DLE 7.2 (it is written to S++). Work is not complex, detail into asyu
of *** (DESIRABLE TO HAVE A WORK EXPERIENCE with CURSOR DLE!!!)http: / / / projects / 73503.html

Modification of the scripts of the partner program b2m

Customer: Ivanov I.I. (scen) The category: Scripts/Web- application
The budget: 150 USD the finished scripts must be integrated into the
design (is already purchased to temlpatemonster) and established
turnkeyhttp: / / / projects / 73504.html

It vidzhet for all popular platforms from Flash

Customer: Golovlev Constantine (golovlev) The category: Scripts/Web-
application, Web- programming The budget: ? It is necessary to make
vidzhety for Opera, Windows vista, Google Desktop, Yahoo Widgets,
Netvibes from finished fleshki. It is simple to drive in it into the
shell of vidzheta and everything.http: / / / projects / 73506.html

Delphi function for the load of the page

Customer: Chistyakov Andrey (C0derr) the category: Development of
applied ON the budget: 5 usd how do you do. Is necessary finished
function on Delphi so that it would be connected to the Web server
with the given one IP and plummet page with the assigned address on
WinSock. But that wrote, but it works not on all kompakh. function
get_.content(.par.par2:string):.string; in par to be stored IP; in
par2 the address of form http: // / / / projects / 73493.html

Script of autentifikatsii of the user

Customer: Arianit Gierg (gothic_.portal) the category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: 5 usd necessary to introduce script which
zaregestriruyetsya, it zaloginetsya and and will change imeyl through
my site on the second.http: / / / projects / 73485.html

To alter the script of the file hosting

Customer: Dmitriy anatol'evich Anshutts (DimonB) the category:
Scripts/Web- application, Web- programming The budget: ? There is a
script of file hosting, it is necessary it to alter. Pdrobneye in TZ.
Those who will not be able to carry out at least one of the functions
of opisanykh in TZ not to disturb, those who only was registered and
does not have otzyvovo not tereyayte in vain time, to you it will be
refused.http: / / / projects / 73453.html

Script/program for the work with WordPress

Customer: Ivanov Sergey (Sick_74) the category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? On the hard disk there is into..khls the
information, tens of thousands it is file. Is required the
program/script, which automatically zapostit all this on wordpresshttp: / / / projects / 73451.html


Customer: Makeyev Dmitriy (skainet) the category: Scripts/Web-
application, the development of applied ON the budget: 20 usd to
finish skiript of the straight payment Webmoney!http: / / / projects / 73462.html

Is necessary the module of payment Robox for osDate

Customer: Forelock Aleksandr (ekspopriator) The category: Scripts/Web-
application, Are other The budget: ? It is necessary to find or to
write the module of payment for cursor osDatehttp: / / / projects / 73478.html

the scenario of pazla-platformera for Flash game

Customer: Dembidsky yaroslav vladimirovich (Stalcer) the category:
Flash, the development of games the budget: ? To develop the scenario
of pazla-platformera from 50- TI of levels. No development, only
scenario. From our side - designer of levels and idea, as must be.
With your - gripping of geympley.http: / / / projects / 73432.html

To On- Lina CRM For telephone and remote sales (2)

Customer: Caps Mikhail (kolpakov) The category: Scripts/Web-
application, the development of applied ON the budget: ? Interests the
finished solutions, or consultation on the selection of the program
solution. Tasks: 1. work of the division of sales: A) the formulation
of orders. b) work with the clients. c) the work of koll center. 2)
the division of logistics: A) the systematization of the orders of
on-line. b) purchase and warehouse calculation. It is desirable bond
PHP+.MySQL as example http: // / / / projects / 71903.html

AJAX/PHP module/the function

Customer: Constantine (Garaban) the category: Scripts/Web-
application, Are other The budget: to 50 usd is necessary the
module/function AJAX of the following plan: We have a page, where
above image, and below a number of the references: ANCHOR TEXT |
that with the clique to the references, above it was loaded on the
same page (without the reloading) instead of the starting image of the
photo of form img_.link1.jpg, img_.link2.jpg and so forth well
speaking in general terms, was necessary to such to itself modulek of
mini- gallery. IT IS COMPULSORY: simple integration in PHP, the
kommentirovannyy code, fitness for work in IE, FF, Opera. P.S. write
SHITYU LS, leave claims 4 here the whole day. It is desirable to make
today.http: / / / projects / 73467.html

It is necessary to write the program of distribution in the chat room! (2)

Customer: Sergey seleverstov (weblife) the category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? It is necessary to write the
script of distribution in the chat room! What I will specifically say
on the ace of ***, work piece-work....Tekh.zadaniye I will also give
in the ace.http: / / / projects / 69603.html

To On- Lina CRM For telephone and remote sales (2)

Customer: Caps Mikhail (kolpakov) The category: Scripts/Web-
application, the development of applied ON the budget: ? Interests the
finished solutions, or consultation on the selection of the program
solution. Tasks: 1. work of the division of sales: A) the formulation
of orders. b) work with the clients. c) the work of koll center. 2)
the division of logistics: A) the systematization of the orders of
on-line. b) purchase and warehouse calculation. It is desirable bond
PHP+.MySQL as example http: // / / / projects / 71903.html


Customer: Makeyev Dmitriy (skainet) the category: Scripts/Web-
application, the development of applied ON the budget: 20 usd to
finish skiript of the straight payment Webmoney!http: / / / projects / 73462.html

Script/program for the work with WordPress

Customer: Ivanov Sergey (Sick_74) the category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? On the hard disk there is into..khls the
information, tens of thousands it is file. Is required the
program/script, which automatically zapostit all this on wordpresshttp: / / / projects / 73451.html

To alter the script of the file hosting

Customer: Dmitriy anatol'evich Anshutts (DimonB) the category:
Scripts/Web- application, Web- programming The budget: ? There is a
script of file hosting, it is necessary it to alter. Pdrobneye in TZ.
Those who will not be able to carry out at least one of the functions
of opisanykh in TZ not to disturb, those who only was registered and
does not have otzyvovo not tereyayte in vain time, to you it will be
refused.http: / / / projects / 73453.html

the scenario of pazla-platformera for Flash game

Customer: Dembidsky yaroslav vladimirovich (Stalcer) the category:
Flash, the development of games the budget: ? To develop the scenario
of pazla-platformera from 50- TI of levels. No development, only
scenario. From our side - designer of levels and idea, as must be.
With your - gripping of geympley.http: / / / projects / 73432.html

Course work. VMWare.S under Linux.

Customer: Kuznetsov Mikhail (MVK) The category: Diplomas
are/course/abstracts, the development of applied ON the budget: ? 4
version. We indicate price and periods. Thanks.http: / / / projects / 73426.html

Friday, September 26, 2008

It is necessary to write the script of distribution in the chat room!

Customer: Sergey seleverstov (weblife) the category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? It is necessary to write the script of
distribution in the chat room! What I will specifically say on the ace
of ***, work piece-work....Tekh.zadaniye I will also give on the ace.http: / / / projects / 73267.html

Working Price- it is sheet

Customer: Polyakov Andrey (7057) the category: Development of applied
ON the budget: 200 usd are Price- sheets of several suppliers,
executed in Excel. By simple, but monotonic, monotonous and numerous
conversions in tomzhe Excel (type: Correcting - to >Zamenit') is
obtained my Price- sheet. It is necessary to automate entire manual
work.http: / / / projects / 73248.html

For Joomla to finish the entrance into the personal office

Customer: Tickhonov Joomla (tickhonov) the category: Scripts/Web-
application, Web- programming The budget: to 100 usd there is a site
on Joomla 1.0.2. There is a there standard modulus of entrance to the
site with the registration. It is necessary instead of this module and
without the registration, that the user after the introduction of its
logina and password immediately of avtorizovyvalsya on went in the personal office on this site in
the new window. To toyest' user, vidya on my site, into the division
the personal office of the field of the introduction of logina and
password. Fields are filled and it presses to enter - > arrives in its
real office on / / / projects / 73265.html

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Working Price- it is sheet

Customer: Polyakov Andrey (7057) the category: Development of applied
ON the budget: 200 usd are Price- sheets of several suppliers,
executed in Excel. By simple, but monotonic, monotonous and numerous
conversions in tomzhe Excel (type: Correcting - to >Zamenit') is
obtained my Price- sheet. It is necessary to automate entire manual
work.http: / / / projects / 73248.html

Creation of games for the on-line casino

Customer: Voloshin Anatoliy (Tayler) the category: Development of
games, Flash the budget: to *** USD it is necessary to create the
collection of games with the regime of the administration of the same
quality as on casino.bodoglife.comhttp: / / / projects / 73246.html

Script of the form of the order

Customer: To minaye Ilya (Plur-Shop) the category: Scripts/Web-
application, Are other The budget: 1 USD the script of the form of the
order: Fields: 1. F.I.O 2. Post address 3. Note (not required field)
by 4. e-mail 5. The volume of order (from 10 to 30 - y4$ for pcs, ***
- y3$, *** - y2$, *** - y1$, is more than 200 - y0$ 6. Sum to payment
with 7. Method of payment (WebMoney, PayPal, EasyPay, available in
Minsk) if WebMoney the 7. To pay it is possible that not you be
similarhttp: / / / projects / 73244.html

The scripts are necessary

Customer: Kalinin Aleksandr (Xom9k) The category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? I purchase scripts and programs for earnings
and spinup of sites of which no free of charge in the network price
for 1 script it must not exceed 0.5$. To predlogat' only license or
samopisnye. I also purchase the scripts of very rare cms! Proposals to
skryty.Pisat' only herehttp: / / / projects / 73186.html

Wap project!

Customer: Makeyev Dmitriy (skainet) the category: Scripts/Web-
application, Internet- stores The budget: 200 usd To peredalat' by
pol'nost'yu the script of partner program! is compulsory work
experience with wap by projects, and also knowledge (php, J2me,
JavaScript, SQL, wml/xhtml)http: / / / projects / 73193.html

Development 2x to program on the assembler

Customer: Gunchenko Dmitriy Alexandrovich (dmitrii_.terkin) The
category: The development of system ON, is other the budget: ? It is
necessary to comprise on the Assembler in models tiny and small
programs, which organize the sorting of the elements of massif of 10
integers in the range from 0 to 255, declared as given. To compile
both programs compose the map of the utilized memory.http: / / / projects / 73206.html

Appendix - the search for group it is file

Customer: Vd (ktt) the category: Development of applied ON the budget:
? To propose plagin for the vindovogo search or mini application.
----------------------- I need a program for Windows so i be able to
search multiply files lets say i have a cd with 1000 picstures. and a
list of 100 pictures name that on the cd already. how can i find all
the pictures on the cd from my list? Let the software find them like
Windows search then user can select all and copy or move them to
whaever. ============= give estimation in the days and the money
without the estimation proposal I do not examine.http: / / / projects / 73215.html

Programming GUI shell on WxWindows(.Wx)/GTK (2)

Customer: Roman (FlashTask) the category: Development of applied ON
the budget: 100 usd it is necessary to make the krossplatformennuyu
GUI shell on WxWindows(.Wx)/GTK. or to another krossplatformennoy
system to creation GUI. General description: application must work in
the polnoekrannom regime and derive background image. Above the
background image it is necessary to arrange 5-7 punkov of menu with
5-7 subparagraphs.http: / / / projects / 70074.html

Simple script of the export of data from the file into the file

Customer: Bondaryev Timofey (Sacur) the category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? Entire good time of day. The piece of text
file for the work see in the application the algorithm: 1) the search
for the massif from [ POLYGON ] to [ END ], into the tele- which is
contained parameter HouseNumber 2) in obtained masssive, we draw out
data standing after the parameters "HouseNumber =" this 29,
"StreetDesc =" this of Golubyov ul, given between "Data0=("and "),(",
then sledushchiye for "),(" to "),(".... and so to the end this "),("
and") [ END ]" 3) given are copied into the separate csv file, as the
separator ";" Sum: 29; Golubyov ul;
of;shche.8''shchy2,2".ya'2shch9' 4) data of the following massif of
that satisfying condition 1, are copied into the new line of the same
file and in the same size by all previously thanks, Timofey all
proposals and questions ICQ # *** or of ***http: / / / projects / 73219.html

Programming GUI shell on WxWindows(.Wx)/GTK (2)

Customer: Roman (FlashTask) the category: Development of applied ON
the budget: 100 usd it is necessary to make the krossplatformennuyu
GUI shell on WxWindows(.Wx)/GTK. or to another krossplatformennoy
system to creation GUI. General description: application must work in
the polnoekrannom regime and derive background image. Above the
background image it is necessary to arrange 5-7 punkov of menu with
5-7 subparagraphs.http: / / / projects / 70074.html

Appendix - the search for group it is file

Customer: Vd (ktt) the category: Development of applied ON the budget:
? To propose plagin for the vindovogo search or mini application.
----------------------- I need a program for Windows so i be able to
search multiply files lets say i have a cd with 1000 picstures. and a
list of 100 pictures name that on the cd already. how can i find all
the pictures on the cd from my list? Let the software find them like
Windows search then user can select all and copy or move them to
whaever. ============= give estimation in the days and the money
without the estimation proposal I do not examine.http: / / / projects / 73215.html

Development 2x to program on the assembler

Customer: Gunchenko Dmitriy Alexandrovich (dmitrii_.terkin) The
category: The development of system ON, is other the budget: ? It is
necessary to comprise on the Assembler in models tiny and small
programs, which organize the sorting of the elements of massif of 10
integers in the range from 0 to 255, declared as given. To compile
both programs compose the map of the utilized memory.http: / / / projects / 73206.html

Development of the reports for Project server 2007

Customer: Froma Natalie (FroMa) the category: Control of projects, is
other the budget: ? Is necessary specialist knowing the structure of
tables BD project server 2007 for developing the reports on Analysis
Services.http: / / / projects / 73171.html

The scripts are necessary

Customer: Kalinin Aleksandr (Xom9k) The category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? I purchase scripts and programs for earnings
and spinup of sites of which no free of charge in the network price
for 1 script it must not exceed 0.5$. To predlogat' only license or
samopisnye. I also purchase the scripts of very rare cms! Proposals to
skryty.Pisat' only herehttp: / / / projects / 73186.html

Is necessary the script of catalog and board of ob'yavleniy

Customer: Rusinov Egor (Xopca) the category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? Is necessary the script of
auto-catolog as With the
possibility of the integration of the board of ob'yavleniy also as
based on example the conclusion of last ob'yavleniy according to the
producer and on marke.(mozhno and without the tying, but with the
possibility of manual drift), for the catalog is also necessary will
be necessary parser. Is also necessary the script of the board of
ob'yavleniy, with the possibility to parsit' ob'yavleniya with, i.e. are necessary practically analog, such boards of
ob'yavleniy. Work must be made qualitatively, and for the reasonable
money, t.k there will then be the possibility of long and mutually
advantageous cooperation. Request to indicate periods and prices,
answers of the type "you stuchite let us discuss" without konkretiki
they are not examined.http: / / / projects / 73172.html

Wap project!

Customer: Makeyev Dmitriy (skainet) the category: Scripts/Web-
application, Internet- stores The budget: 200 usd To peredalat' by
pol'nost'yu the script of partner program! is compulsory work
experience with wap by projects, and also knowledge (php, J2me,
JavaScript, SQL, wml/xhtml)http: / / / projects / 73193.html

Simple script of the export of data from the file into the file

Customer: Bondaryev Timofey (Sacur) the category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? Entire good time of day. The piece of text
file for the work see in the application the algorithm: 1) the search
for the massif from [ POLYGON ] to [ END ], into the tele- which is
contained parameter HouseNumber 2) in obtained masssive, we draw out
data standing after the parameters "HouseNumber =" this 29,
"StreetDesc =" this of Golubyov ul, given between "Data0=("and "),(",
then sledushchiye for "),(" to "),(".... and so to the end this "),("
and") [ END ]" 3) given are copied into the separate csv file, as the
separator ";" Sum: 29; Golubyov ul;
of;shche.8''shchy2,2".ya'2shch9' 4) data of the following massif of
that satisfying condition 1, are copied into the new line of the same
file and in the same size by all previously thanks, Timofey all
proposals and questions ICQ # *** or of ***http: / / / projects / 73219.html

Development 2x to program on the assembler

Customer: Gunchenko Dmitriy Alexandrovich (dmitrii_.terkin) The
category: The development of system ON, is other the budget: ? It is
necessary to comprise on the Assembler in models tiny and small
programs, which organize the sorting of the elements of massif of 10
integers in the range from 0 to 255, declared as given. To compile
both programs compose the map of the utilized memory.http: / / / projects / 73206.html

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Project for the programmer with experience WAR technology

Customer: Irene Bart (irenebart) the category: Applications for the
telephones, the application for PDA/PocketPC the budget: ? Is urgently
necessary programmer with experience WAR technology. It is possible to
begin project already to today or discuss the time of the beginning of
the development of design. Request to send the following information:
resume, portfolio (or the links of works) and reyt of the remuneration
for labor in the hour for the address: jobs2006(.at).bartsoft.comhttp: / / / projects / 73014.html

Creation of the play portal of the on-line- games

Customer: Gritsayenko Yevgeny (cyberomsk) the category: Creation web-
site turnkey, the development of games the budget: ? Is necessary
developer/command for creating the portal with the complete functional - itself of dorvey, the sites of games, conference, Web-
binding of servers - everything with exception strictly of the play
servers (are already raised). Details in the private conversation. The
budget of project is good.http: / / / projects / 73009.html

Is necessary the script of avtorassylki on katalagam

Customer: Kalinin Aleksandr (Xom9k) The category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: to 50 USD Zdrastvuyte.Nuzhen the script of
avtorassylki on katalagam and boards of declarations with the the
light of adminkoy(chtob of catalogs and boards there was nemeneye ***
you).Pishite here your prices and of sroki.Predlozheniya are hidden
P.S.Vam it is necessary it to flood on it khost to disposehttp: / / / projects / 72987.html

Program for Windows mobile

Customer: Lordly Mikhail (iWoodman) the category: Applications for the
telephones, the application for PDA/PocketPC the budget: ? It is
necessary to develop program for Windows mobile. Briefly - program
periodically interrogates GPS receiver and is sent navigational
information on server into the Internet. Details (TZ) in the
particular order. To be turned only to professionals with the work
experience in this region.http: / / / projects / 72997.html

Interception vininet API

Customer: Vilichinskiy Vladimir (vilichinskiy) the category:
Development of system ON, the development of applied ON the budget:
100 USD language delphi is iskhodnik DLL with the interception of
function InternetConnect from wininet.dll (several lines of the code).
Is used library advApiHook. To work DLL does not want under vindovs of
spy, it departs with the error. Everything works under sp2. Task
consists in DLL working also under vindovs of spy. the budget: y00$
payment for vebmani Of iskhodnik in attache.http: / / / projects / 72998.html

Football fl3w- game

Customer: Nitsak Igor (FootyEditor) the category: Scripts/Web-
application, Flash The budget: ? It is necessary To make A football
Fl3w- Game An example Here - http:
// I await the
proposalshttp: / / / projects / 72993.html

Testing the system of information safety (2)

Customer: Yankovskiy Aleksandr Vladimirovich (Sinclair_.Maniac) The
category: Development of system ON, testing ON the budget: to 1000 usd
is necessary the man or the group of people with the experience in the
sphere of testing the safety system of organizations. Checking the
vulnerability of network at the firm is assumed. Advance your
proposals. Budget will be determined on the basis of your experience
(we it is oriented to 500 - 1000 uye) contact preferably through ICQhttp: / / / projects / 70153.html

Development of script for the site

Customer: Rogozhnikov Sergey (obiwan) the category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: to 500 usd to make golosovalku on the
arbitrarily selected themes (into the menu - policy, porfyum, sport
TP) on toyzhe of the essence (reytingig - at first 8 chelov they are
beaten then remained 4, semi-final and conqueror) with the possibility
only 1 voice from the the unique IP, and 10 is vocal after sms
communication, smsok it is possible to dispatch as much as desired.http: / / / projects / 72986.html

To complete eng.

Customer: Hatuntsev Stanilsav (stasq) the category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? Is board of ob'yavleniy on sale
to nedvizhimosti.Trebuyet'sya to make registration for
pol'zovateley(Chasntik, Agentsvo of nedvizhimosti), addition of
ob'yavleniy only to authorized users, control panel of profaylom of
user, survey of its own ob'yavleniy and their
redaktirovaniye.Dobavleniye, removal, editing of poley(v of accuracy
already existing... Karoche everything that can be changed through the
Web interfeys).Predlogayte price and to sroki.Vse questions in LS or
of yemYl.http: / / / projects / 72999.html

Testing the system of information safety (2)

Customer: Yankovskiy Aleksandr Vladimirovich (Sinclair_.Maniac) The
category: Development of system ON, testing ON the budget: to 1000 usd
is necessary the man or the group of people with the experience in the
sphere of testing the safety system of organizations. Checking the
vulnerability of network at the firm is assumed. Advance your
proposals. Budget will be determined on the basis of your experience
(we it is oriented to 500 - 1000 uye) contact preferably through ICQhttp: / / / projects / 70153.html

Script Foto-galerei for the studio Of "intererium"

Customer: Malyshenko Novel (Arhitec- studios) The category: Web-
programming, Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? Detailed TZ in the
application. From you price and periods? All questions can be solved
on icq: ***, but final proposals only on e-mail: *** or in the
personal communication.http: / / / projects / 72938.html

Transfer AutB3.0

Customer: Shaverma Shaverma (shaverma) the category: Technical
transfers, scripts/Web- application the budget: to 50 usd it is
necessary to translate from English into the Russian language cursor
on sale of automobiles AutB3.0http: / / / projects / 72928.html

Script of the Internet- store

Customer: Kolodyazhnyy Pavel Sergeyevich (UZ101) The category:
Scripts/Web- application, Internet- stores The budget: ? Designation:
Selection and sale of training materials (in the electronic form) for
the students and the schoolboys.http: / / / projects / 72917.html

Parser/of graber - module DLE or separate script (2)

Customer: Rudenko Novel (ForceR) The category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? To write script or module DLE,
for parsinga of soft of catalog. - to otparsit' entire catalog - to
make conversion of data into size DLE - to provide the possibility of
the renovation of new kontenta, without the running off in all
sayta(och. is desirable). Indicate cost, periods. Payment through SBS
or for the fact of delivery.http: / / / projects / 71829.html

Is required management on Symbian

Customer: Moslakov Evgeny (Evgeny_.Moslakov) the category: Technical
Articles, Applications For PDA/PocketPC The budget: to 1000 usd is
required technical writer for the writing management on the
programming in Symbian. Tariff 2 usd as 1000 signs volume of
approximately 400 pages including figures payment for the delivery of
the text of the book the period: 2-3 months of proposal dispatch to
***http: / / / projects / 72903.html

To sketch exemplary estimate to the project.

Customer: Podkorytov Vitalius (svitalys) the category: Development of
games the budget: 5 usd is Flesch online game http:
// is necessary to paint approximately the
estimate of works, cost and periods of the development of a similar
design.http: / / / projects / 72899.html

Script of the system of the demonstration of banners on the site

Customer: NastDesign (nastdesign) the category: Scripts/Web-
application, Are other The budget: ? The special code is established
on the site in places specific for this. In this code following data
must be established: the number of advertising place, the size of
banner, flag is the dynamic or static demonstration of banners.
According to coded data of the code from the base is selected
necessary banner and to be placed on screen. In the dynamic
demonstration of banners the banners must be derived in the order.
Statistics on the demonstrations of banners also must be organized.http: / / / projects / 72888.html

Writing demon for the chat room is required

Customer: Smirnov Aleksandr (LiccOS) The category: Development of
applied ON the budget: ? There is the acting chat room, which worked
to PHP/MySQL/JS, it arrived time to apgreydit'. Chat room with the
sufficiently extensive number of functions. To me is necessary man,
which already made demons for the chat room in order to discuss the
best realization of project. Demon can be made both on C/C++ and on
Java. Therefore otpisyvaytes' programmers JAVA and C is very
desirable, to show your demons in action.http: / / / projects / 72889.html

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Development of game for iPhone

Customer: Aleksey Sergey (ausadam) the category: Applications for the
telephones, the application for PDA/PocketPC the budget: ? To develop
not complex puzzle for iPhone and iPod touch. On by kodinga, it is
necessary to accomplish the administrative tasks: - to find and to
select designer for the game - to find and to select Sound designer -
to find and to select kopiraytera - to find and to select designer and
to control the creation of site for the program the documentation:
http: // / / / projects / 72866.html

To edit the imposition of several pages

Customer: Gara Aleksey (RADog) the category: HTML- imposition,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: 10 usd are several finished
templates html- pages, it is necessary to put contents into empty div-
containers of these pages. That that necessary to put I will grant.http: / / / projects / 72850.html

To create site with the functions as on

Customer: To koade Georgiy (George28) the category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: it is not necessary to 500 USD impositions of
template. Filters are not necessary. Price? Periods? for the program
part,http: / / / projects / 72846.html

Monday, September 22, 2008

Question on yS to enterprise.

Customer: Andrey Korolev (Krokosha) the category: Development of
applied ON the budget: 4 usd is necessary person, who has good
knowledge in the region of yS of programirovaniya. yS enterprise 8.1
bookkeeping of enterprise. A question rocks access to the element of
the subordinate of reference book. I are necessary literally 1-2 lines
of the code. Payment - 100 rub, after checking. All proposals only
into as'ku - ***http: / / / projects / 72630.html

To write the regular expression

Customer: Kovalevich Aleksandr (prophetz) The category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? Necessary to write regular expression on PHP
(preg_.replace) You stuchites' into asyu: ***http: / / / projects / 72628.html

Small of soft under FreeBSD on s

Customer: Yushchenko Of evgen (KLEOP) the category: Development of
system ON, the development of applied ON the budget: 150 usd be
required to write small programmku under FreeBSD on Ci(primerno on 2-3
days of work), is required knowledge RSA of coding, The ci or S++,
FreeBSD, work with the network. Task is approximately such: program
assembled infu about the machine, encoded, sent on server, was
obtained answer, it deciphered and if all of okey that it made the
specific actions.http: / / / projects / 72614.html

To establish code SAPE to dzhumlu 1,5 with the laying out

Customer: Artyukov Yevgeny (Jekos) the category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? To establish code SAPE to
dzhumlu 1,5 with the laying out into several modules.http: / / / projects / 72613.html

Falling out menu on dle

Customer: Dmitriev Denis (dragon99) The category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? It is necessary to make the falling out menu
of categories on site, usual menu now there costs and
are visible all podkategorii, it is necessary to make so that these
podkategorii would appear with the clique to category itself and vice
versa. Menu must be made so that it would not hamper the indexing by
prospectors.http: / / / projects / 72584.html

To make an inet- store on bitrikse

Customer: Dem'yanin Cyril (keriy) the category: Internet- stores,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? Is purchased bitriks "small
business" and there is a mock-up. There is a concept on the
functional. It is necessary to make.http: / / / projects / 72596.html

System of authorization and exchange of the communications

Customer: Krylov Victor (allod21) The category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? It is necessary to make a
"personal office" (closed zone) for the users with the possibility of
the sending of soobshcheniy(vnutrennikh). To provide several groups of
users (for example: administrator, editor, user) the principal
criteria: - safety - MySQL - PHP5 (OOP) - the expansibilityhttp: / / / projects / 72576.html

Script on JQuery

Customer: Yevgeny (egenius) the category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? Requirements: 1. good habits in
PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, AJAX. 2. Understanding OOP. 3. Base knowledge
HTML, CSS. 4. High fitness for work and the presence of common sense
5. The presence of the normal Internet so that it would be possible to
associate in skype.http: / / / projects / 72569.html

Script of the analysis of perelinkovki of the sites

Customer: Is Volkov Vladimir (tpfstils) The category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? The script of the analysis of perelinkovki
script must soak enter references from sattelitov to the selling
sites, it must reveal the presence of the references of those going to
1 selling site from sattelitov with one ip, and to have several
filters for the convenient entering of references. Script must analyze
all pages of sattelitov to the presence of references, i.e., it must
go around all pages of satellites and carry all external references of
reference into the base. Data are stored in MySQL to base detailed TZ
given in the applicationhttp: / / / projects / 72544.html

To write script in VamShop for

Customer: Khar'kovoy Mikhail gennad'evich (Jammer_.KING) the category:
Scripts/Web- application The budget: 20 usd in more detail here http:
// Everything that it is necessary this to
establish this into my store www.jammer.uahttp: / / / projects / 72525.html

To make fleshku with the unloading from XML

Customer: Tsallagov Vitalius (Megavit) the category: Banners,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? To make fleshku for the
Internet- store with the unloading from XML. here is the example:
http: // (where slider
Drag) for the further information write, I will throw down TZ. Leave
price in the commentaries.http: / / / projects / 72529.html

Converter IPB 2.1.5 - > phpbb 3.0.2

Customer: Studio Redesign (Dragonyava) the category: Scripts/Web-
application, the development of the data bases the budget: ? Strictly
the conditions of success are such (now they come to the mind): 1.
transfer of all communications 2. transfer of all yuzerov (without the
disturbance of passwords, i.e. so that into the new forum it would be
possible to enter without the demand of password and so on) 3.
transfer of avatarov 4. transfer of signatures 5. transfer of attachey
well and everything in this spirit presence of price is compulsory.http: / / / projects / 72530.html

Dorobotka of site (2)

Customer: Rogachev Yevgeny (Adven) the category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? It is required for the site: 1.
modification of the system of the search for stages 2. The sorting of
stages on the page of any regiona\tura on I see leisure 3. Possibility
of designing of photo-gallery on the pages of stage and region 4.
Small correction of menu the site: For the final
determination of price is ready to send more detailed task.http: / / / projects / 70504.html

Program for the installation of the home page

Customer: Artem Steshenko (bix79) the category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? Program for the installation of home page in
all browsers is necessary, including chromium.http: / / / projects / 72474.html

3DMax script

Customer: Dimkin Oleg (olegdimkin) The category: 3d- graph,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? Is necessary the script, which
will make it possible to obtain the specific quantity of renderov of
object from the different foreshortenings.http: / / / projects / 72478.html

Module for DLE the import of news from word documents

Customer: Kir'yanov Vladislav (yager) the category: Scripts/Web-
application, administration systems kontentom the budget: ? Is
necessary module for DLE 7.0 giving the possibility of the importation
of news from the vordovskikh documents, understands the import of both
the text and the pictures of those included in document with the
retention of formatting as will appear in adminke I do not have an
idea, so that is discussed.http: / / / projects / 72464.html

Is necessary grabber for Joomla!

Customer: Aleksandr Aleksandr (AlexandrYY) The category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? Is necessary grabber of kontenta on
klyuchevikam for Joomla! with the possibility of the independent
scanning of sites without the indication of source.http: / / / projects / 72442.html

To establish and to dispose the script of acquaintances (2)

Customer: Kuz'mina S.A. (merelin) the category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? It is necessary to establish and to dispose
the script of acquaintances on the site. All versions are examined:
Your these are script or is free, it is unimportant. Tuning script
taking into account some simple requirements. Details with the
correspondence. To write to ***.http: / / / projects / 71412.html

Script: the calculator of the purchase of the computer

Customer: Inet_.mag (comtrading) the category: Web- programming, the
development of the data bases the budget: ? We search for standard
pkhp [ of +yavaskript ] the calculator of computer completion with the
solution of the problem of compatability of those completing. The
presence of the base of given with all fields of the parameters of
those completing is assumed.http: / / / projects / 72444.html

Script of the paid board of the declaration

Customer: Kr Artem (telefon-128) The category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: to 100 usd is necessary the script of the paid
board of declaration! - the payment of the users of board will be
achieved for the means SMS of billinga! In particular company "Russian
Billing" - site already exists! It stands on CMS DLE. - it is
necessary either to make a module of the board of declaration for DLE
or to integrate board from sms klyuchem into the site. Complete
description of board in the fastened file! Is possible an increase in
the budget but if this OBASNOVANNO! Attention!!! if you please, do not
propose your cursors for the realization of this project! The
integration of board into the already existing site is necessary to
us!http: / / / projects / 72484.html

It is necessary To develop PO

Customer: Mukhametzhanov Kayrat (kmukhamet) the category: Development
of applied ON the budget: ? Program for the bookkeepers is necessary.
For the pravilnogo formation of papers for the treasury so that they
could pravilno on the specific characters and on the codes
prostovlyat' in the program and print out the already correct version
(but first problem treasury postyanno it vozvroshchayet paper to the
alteration) I still if in the program not correctly that that make so
that it it would prompt the detail I will explain through Skypehttp: / / / projects / 72500.html

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Script of the paid board of the declaration

Customer: Kr Artem (telefon-128) The category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: to 100 usd is necessary the script of the paid
board of declaration! - the payment of the users of board will be
achieved for the means SMS of billinga! In particular company "Russian
Billing" - site already exists! It stands on CMS DLE. - it is
necessary either to make a module of the board of declaration for DLE
or to integrate board from sms klyuchem into the site. Complete
description of board in the fastened file! Is possible an increase in
the budget but if this OBASNOVANNO! Attention!!! if you please, do not
propose your cursors for the realization of this project! The
integration of board into the already existing site is necessary to
us!http: / / / projects / 72484.html

To create page on php for the sending of data.

Customer: Kirov Sergey (Schiller22) the category: Scripts/Web-
application, Web- programming The budget: ? To create page on php for
the sending of data on e-mail to create the page, on which there is a
form from several lines, and with the pressure to send entire
beautifully and accurately leaves for that indicated e-mail payment
for means WEB-money on R-kowelek after the completion of work and its
checking. The description of installation - in nalii to present/as to
change adress if is necessary/all proposals they are examined, they
start and are evaluated, according to ICQ *** and on this site.http: / / / projects / 72470.html

Program for the installation of the home page

Customer: Artem Steshenko (bix79) the category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? Program for the installation of home page in
all browsers is necessary, including chromium.http: / / / projects / 72474.html

3DMax script

Customer: Dimkin Oleg (olegdimkin) The category: 3d- graph,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? Is necessary the script, which
will make it possible to obtain the specific quantity of renderov of
object from the different foreshortenings.http: / / / projects / 72478.html

To establish and to dispose the script of acquaintances (2)

Customer: Kuz'mina S.A. (merelin) the category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? It is necessary to establish and to dispose
the script of acquaintances on the site. All versions are examined:
Your these are script or is free, it is unimportant. Tuning script
taking into account some simple requirements. Details with the
correspondence. To write to ***.http: / / / projects / 71412.html

Script: the calculator of the purchase of the computer

Customer: Inet_.mag (comtrading) the category: Web- programming, the
development of the data bases the budget: ? We search for standard
pkhp [ of +yavaskript ] the calculator of computer completion with the
solution of the problem of compatability of those completing. The
presence of the base of given with all fields of the parameters of
those completing is assumed.http: / / / projects / 72444.html

To create Foto-plagin for wordpress

Customer: Amandar (Amandar) the category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: 200 USD description in http:
// the budget: 200 USD (vebmani)
the period: 1 weekhttp: / / / projects / 72414.html

Webmoney - script for the auto-payments interface X2.

Customer: Mikael Lavov (banking) the category: Scripts/Web-
application, Are other The budget: ? How do you do, is necessary the
development of script (php/perl) for the work with the following
interface Webmoney interface X2. the transfer of means from one purse
to another http: //
Webmoney Keeper Light (not Classic) script must function thus -
another script (our) will give POST demand to this script with the
indication of sum, purse and commentary and created by you script it
must achieve a transfer on the coordinates indicated and give answer
it is successful transfer or not. Is whether the possibility to create
this script without the access to our hosting and without our webmoney
keys? We themselves then everything will ascertain that necessarily.
Thanks.http: / / / projects / 72429.html

Is necessary grabber for Joomla!

Customer: Aleksandr Aleksandr (AlexandrYY) The category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? Is necessary grabber of kontenta on
klyuchevikam for Joomla! with the possibility of the independent
scanning of sites without the indication of source.http: / / / projects / 72442.html

PHP script for the work with FTP

Customer: Max (amster) the category: Scripts/Web- application The
budget: to 50 usd it is necessary to write php- script, which does
work with ftp. that from it it does be required? - the skill to work
with the the different ip, which are accessible in the system. - the
skill to work in several flows. - the skill to work by assignment
(where, that, from what ip to flow). - the skill to dozalivat' in the
case of bond breaking. - the fixation of errors in the course of
filling. - the presence of convenient interface. Since flow will be
exclusive archives, then script will have to know how to unpack them
on the completion of their filling.http: / / / projects / 72432.html

Exchange of the advertising places

Customer: Vasil'yev is edward (ambr) the category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? It is necessary to develop the script of
advertising exchange according to type http: //www.mestkom.ruhttp: / / / projects / 72413.html

Program on the arrangement of the vacancies

Customer: Oleynik Artem (needoflove) the category: Development of
applied ON the budget: ? Which to us is necessary: y.Neobkhodima the
program, which automatically will be able to correctly fill forms for
supplying the vacancies to the portals, which are specialized in the
selection of personnel (there is base of 50 sites). 2.Programma must
be light in the use. e.V to program must be provided the possibility
of the independent addition of sites on the selection of personnel.http: / / / projects / 72426.html

Simplest parser

Customer: Petrov Sergey (maxdiz) the category: Development of applied
ON the budget: ? Is necessary parser which it sgrabit necessary
information from site http: // if in more detail
the name and contacts the example: 3 SERVICE STATION Perm' g.,
Karpinski ul, d. 91, t. +7(342) *** retention into eksel' we write
cost and periods!http: / / / projects / 72430.html

Khak for DLE/the second tag HIDE for the group

Customer: Kirov Sergey (Schiller22) the category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: 5 usd should be thought and made
the second tag Hide for the specific group, thus, that it had no
conflicts with the standard tag hide. Sense its is the same as
standard tag - to hide from the survey the part of the text or text of
all except the specific group, but to consider that the standard tag
is occupied by the same... Vaguely but I hope understandably. Payment
for means WEB-money on R-kowelek after the completion of work and its
checking. Description of installation - in nalii to present. All
proposals are examined, start and are evaluated, according to ICQ ***
and on this site.http: / / / projects / 72412.html


Customer: Petrov Sergey (maxdiz) the category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? TZ is necessary script which it udet to call
on the advertising banners on the site as to realize? 1. go to script it in the frame is opened site itself and in one
additional frame it it opens advertising banner itself i.e. I I draw
visitors on and by their frames it throws to my
site and from my site it klikayet to the banner of the condition: Is
not more than 1 clique to cheloveka(na ip) to hide the field of refer
and so that the script would not be burnt in the code of page and more
clearly this will be nakrutchik an example of banners on
bramas.nethttp: / / / projects / 72417.html

Modification of the existing program code

Customer: Ludikov (cetegus) the category: Web- programming, the
development of games the budget: to 1000 usd for project the way of
wanderers it is necessary the already existing program
code to finish dokontsa. The discussion deals with the graphic
formulation of game. In the game is many imperfections through the
tables, the pictures, the buttons, the falling out lists, the sizes,
etc. entire drawing to be located in cdr files. The code is written on
php, is less than java, interface Ajax. Podryachik must be of S -Pb
below example of drawing. ICQ ***http: / / / projects / 72420.html

Generator html of the sites

Customer: Nikolai (nickz) the category: Scripts/Web- application The
budget: USD the script on php must generate site in size html from the
assigned templates and is text to 100. You look TZ.http: / / / projects / 72433.html

Module for DLE the import of news from word documents

Customer: Kir'yanov Vladislav (yager) the category: Scripts/Web-
application, administration systems kontentom the budget: ? Is
necessary module for DLE 7.0 giving the possibility of the importation
of news from the vordovskikh documents, understands the import of both
the text and the pictures of those included in document with the
retention of formatting as will appear in adminke I do not have an
idea, so that is discussed.http: / / / projects / 72464.html

Module for DLE the import of news from word documents

Customer: Kir'yanov Vladislav (yager) the category: Scripts/Web-
application, administration systems kontentom the budget: ? Is
necessary module for DLE 7.0 giving the possibility of the importation
of news from the vordovskikh documents, understands the import of both
the text and the pictures of those included in document with the
retention of formatting as will appear in adminke I do not have an
idea, so that is discussed.http: / / / projects / 72464.html

Generator html of the sites

Customer: Nikolai (nickz) the category: Scripts/Web- application The
budget: USD the script on php must generate site in size html from the
assigned templates and is text to 100. You look TZ.http: / / / projects / 72433.html

Is necessary grabber for Joomla!

Customer: Aleksandr Aleksandr (AlexandrYY) The category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? Is necessary grabber of kontenta on
klyuchevikam for Joomla! with the possibility of the independent
scanning of sites without the indication of source.http: / / / projects / 72442.html