Saturday, October 4, 2008

To extract/to copy the data by method Crawler Parser

Customer: Krebs Daniel (elcp) the category: Web- programming, the
development of the data bases the budget: ? Good time of day! It is
necessary to extract/to copy data from the site. Data to place, in the
determined order, into file csv. permission to copying of data is
located! Detailed information I will report...http: / / / projects / 74547.html

Components For Bitriksa

Customer: Paranichev Dmitriy (nobap) the category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? Is required to modify component catalog in
Bitrikse. Everything is simple according to the idea, the same catalog
as exists, but it is necessary that data would be taken from other
tables in BD. Vobshchem it is necessary to make component 2gis, BD His
exist... In the application an example of tables. That understandably
do not ask. It is compulsory so that you have the work experience with
the components Of bitriksa. Price and lives is necessary.http: / / / projects / 74545.html

Creation of component Joomla

Customer: Bondarenko Yevgeny (to Jin- cluster) the category:
Scripts/Web- application, Web- programming The budget: ? To make
kopnent of the failovogo archive Joomla with certain the properties of
gallery and additional functions. Description in the prilozhenom file.
For the site with the covers for DVD disks.http: / / / projects / 74531.html

To add two functions into the script

Customer: Smirnov Aleksandr (Sysman22) The category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? Voobshchem now is worth script almost the
copy of the site of acquaintances there terrible survey
foto!toyest' by photo to otkryvayet'sya in the new window and all! and
necessary to make beautiful prosmort of photo as on
in the new window) and to add function so that the users could leave
komentarii to the photo as on urgently!http: / / / projects / 74533.html

Selection of the page

Customer: Pantsernyy Aleksandr (NetIdea) the category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: 5 usd is necessary aid on the selection
(pulling out of information s) dynamic html page. All details in ICQ:
***http: / / / projects / 74525.html

Modification of the script

Customer: Makeyev Dmitriy (skainet) the category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? To finish the script of partner program!
(php, sql, xhtml)http: / / / projects / 74523.html

Youtube upload

Customer: Alex Vong (AlexV73) the category: Development of applied ON
the budget: ? It is necessary to develop library (ActiveX) for the
load of video on YouTube on base YouTube API (http:
//, and also
the test application, which demonstrates its work. Functionality: -
the selection of file - addition of the information of necessary for
YouTube: , tags, category, description - strictly load on YouTube with
the progress of the fulfillment of operation the language of the
development: MS Visual C++http: / / / projects / 74517.html

Torrent the Tracker

Customer: Ivanov Ivan (Uzbek88) The category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? It is necessary to bring to the
mind of torrent Tracker on by the free cursors TBDev. To correct
baggi, something to add. Work is single. http: // / / / projects / 74521.html

Calculator of the orders

Customer: Konkov Timur (photobid) the category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? Is required the simplified
calculator of orders calculating the sum of order from two composite
into akkaunte of the user (it is created registration) and recording
isstoriyu and the detail of orders. With the razshirenymi
possibilities of editing for the administrator.http: / / / projects / 74503.html

Friday, October 3, 2008

To change the application, written on Borland S++ (2)

Customer: Peter Andreevich (soarer) The category: The development of
applied ON, is other the budget: ? It is necessary to change the
program of the method of payments from company Cyberplat. Iskhodniki
lie at the open form here: http:
// are permitted to the
change. Program itself here: http:
// REQUEST to first look
iskhodniki, to be convinced of the fact that you will be able to
change that initial code, and to be convinced of the fact that you
have a medium of development - Borland C++ 2007 enterprise, or you
will be able to skachat' 860 mb. on by me indicated to reference. Only
after this write me about your desire to work, I will place specific
objectives, we will be determined with the periods and with the price.
IMKHO, task is not very complex, but made it must be within the
shortest periods.http: / / / projects / 58394.html

Program dl of the drawing of toothed zapleniya (2)

Customer: Matgrass Anton (TARG) The category: Development of applied
ON the budget: ? It is necessary to write practically from zero
programs for the drawing on the canvas of gearing, the language of
programirovaniya only of Delphi. Program must calculate the transfer
(calculation and all formulas with the algorithm are) and to sketch
engagement itself on the canvas. Example of a similar program in the
application. It is possible to dully make also, the main thing so that
the code would be. Subsequently is possible sotrudnichesvo on the
development of data of programs payment as to you more convenient, sum
how much you will require in the reasonable limits. Connection through
the mail: *** Of as'ka: *** of Mobile: ***http: / / / projects / 70241.html

Simple problem for the Web- programmer

Customer: Glamour Mazhor (Serezhka) the category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? How do you do respected! I explain briefly:
There is a script, to crypt there is the connected from HTML- file
table. Table is derived BY N of times. But, tables are necessary two
it is specific, to toyest' with two CSS- classes: {class X} and {class
Y} the task - of writing script (on JavaScript surely), so as to table
would be derived alternately: that with class X, the with class Y of
no random samplings, strict alternation. Of details into lichku, or
write here with 4 with you I will be connected.http: / / / projects / 74488.html

[ Python ] Plagin for PIL for parsinga..ICHO

Customer: Sergey (pistolero) the category: Development of system ON,
the development of applied ON the budget: to 250 usd to me is
necessary plagin to Python Imaging Library for parsinga..ICHO. In PIL
already is taky of plagin; however, it strongly obsolete, and it does
not support the contemporary expansion of size (alpha transparency,
32- X bit color, etc.). Plagin must correctly open ALL types of
ikonok, and it is normal to be integrated with PIL. Must be written on
the the clean Python, with a good style and the formulation on Pep-8.
As the example to the realization of work with the size I recommend to
look http: // also to koye that
it is possible to podcherpnut' from the article in Vikipedii http:
// / / / projects / 74489.html

Modification of the code on PHP

Customer: Guterman Victor (xwande) The category: Scripts/Web-
application, administration systems kontentom the budget: 10 usd be
required to finish (to add condition) in the script. To change the
parameters of demand to BD.http: / / / projects / 74483.html

Creation of module OCR

Customer: Webplayer Sergey (wsm) the category: Development of applied
ON the budget: ? Is necessary modul'(.dll) for raspoznovaniya of
symbols from the figures. We search for specialists with the
experience of development OccR(.Optical Character Recognition). It
byutzhet from 300 usd. More precise technical task with respect to the
demand to Email.http: / / / projects / 74449.html

To connect Liberty Reserve to the script

Customer: BiznesMedia (businessmedia) the category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? Regards! is necessary urgently, to
poyendel'nika, to connect Liberty Reserve to the script. I will give
out script + the classes of work with Liberty Reserve, i.e., it is
necessary simply to be dismantled at the logic of the work of script
and to integrate the finished solution with it. Script is already
connected to yegoldu, to mozhnokstati generally yegold to replace by
Liberty reserve.http: / / / projects / 74413.html

Script for the rotation the priest -apov

Customer: Kron Vyacheslav (Slavs) the category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? Is necessary script for rotation popup of
banners on the site. An example of this working script can be seen on
the site: On the site with each passage to another page, to
otkryvayet'sya new popap banner. I.e. masters one priest- AP of baner,
is connected by another.http: / / / projects / 74417.html

The on-line system of the method of declarations into the newspaper is necessary

Customer: Dmitriy (taris) the category: Web- programming, Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? How do you do. It is necessary to develop
the system of the method of particular declarations into the newspaper
through the Internet. In the system it is necessary: - personal
office; - the history of declarations; - the task of the template of
the declarations (in different ways it is counted the cost of
declarations) - unloading the declarations of users in the assigned
size. Billing: - the possibility of payment VMZ; - the possibility of
the nomination of calculation to the payment (beznal); - the
possibility of payment with the bank maps (Visa, Mastercard); - the
possibility of payment with its own maps of predoplaty (for the code).
I await developers, who already have the experience of the development
of similar systems (as the minimum of billing- systems with the
described requirements) all details through lichku!http: / / / projects / 74420.html

Creation of the script of analog WMWORLD.RU

Customer: Mamcev A.U (opasno) the category: Scripts/Web- application,
the development of system ON the budget: to 100 usd to create takoyzhe
script as on site (or to correct this script, it my, to
optimize so as to it would not load server and poderzhaval all
functions katoryy on all given kaktoryy must i.e. T,Z I
will give with the personal contact!!! Kharoshiya work there will be
oplachenno into two! Await your proposals who mogby of vyatsa for
this!!! Let us discuss all details with the personal contact! ICQ ***
we write herehttp: / / / projects / 74432.html

Creation of module OCR

Customer: Webplayer Sergey (wsm) the category: Development of applied
ON the budget: ? Is necessary modul'(.dll) for raspoznovaniya of
symbols from the figures. We search for specialists with the
experience of development OccR(.Optical Character Recognition). It
byutzhet from 300 usd. More precise technical task with respect to the
demand to Email.http: / / / projects / 74449.html

Creation of the script of analog WMWORLD.RU

Customer: Mamcev A.U (opasno) the category: Scripts/Web- application,
the development of system ON the budget: to 100 usd to create takoyzhe
script as on site (or to correct this script, it my, to
optimize so as to it would not load server and poderzhaval all
functions katoryy on all given kaktoryy must i.e. T,Z I
will give with the personal contact!!! Kharoshiya work there will be
oplachenno into two! Await your proposals who mogby of vyatsa for
this!!! Let us discuss all details with the personal contact! ICQ ***
we write herehttp: / / / projects / 74432.html

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Pascal DOS - > Win (to rewrite progr) St. Petersburg

Customer: Aleksandr (df34td) the category: Development of applied ON
the budget: ? There is the program, written on Pascal. The sense of
program - data processing from is file and mapping information into
grafich. form. Is required to portirovat' to Vindouz, subsequently
modification. Work floor- removed, shelf. Only Pieterhttp: / / / projects / 74247.html

To correct bag in the sending of letter attachem (2)

Customer: Mr Illuminate (Moscow-Russia) the category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? It is necessary to correct bag in the script
for the sending of letter from the site through the Web form attachem
on e-mail. Problem consists in the fact that the letter incorrectly is
sent away. I.e. with the sending of letter on mail come krakozyably
and instead of attacha into the communication stands its base64 code.http: / / / projects / 66167.html

the Program- converter

Customer: Trishin Yuri valer'evich (fiesta777) the category:
Development of applied ON the budget: ? Is necessary the program or
script, which by one cry konventiruyet into file (jpeg) with the
predetermined parameters. At the entrance the files of sizes
CorelDraw, any graphic sizes, including Photoshop. At the output image
in size jpeg in the real sizes with permission 150 dpi, RGB.... + its
miniature. We limit the list of input types it is file by most
extended and claimed (in our case): cdr, tiff, psd, bmp, ai, jpeg,
epshttp: / / / projects / 74215.html

Modification of cursor social engine

Customer: Shoma Php (ShomaPHP) the category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: to 100 usd it is necessary to
complete cursor socialengine, into the weight functional is also built on social engine. It is
necessary site on the functional to make copy periods! Thanks!http: / / / projects / 74219.html

Script (php+.xajax+.jquery)

Customer: Nikolay (inetart) the category: Scripts/Web- application,
Web- programming The budget: 120 USD the overall task: To write small
script and to fasten to the templates (to otverstat'). Templates -
http: // Technical task
- http: // I specially
focus attention, that for interaktiva must be used freymvorki xajax
and jquery. Budget 3000 wmr (approximately y20$) periods 1 day.http: / / / projects / 74235.html

To correct error in the form of the order

Customer: Duplin Vladislav (vALIDOL) The category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: 15 USD the detailed description
of problem in the investment. Budget of project 400 rub. Payment for
WebMoney without predoplaty. Period is is 1 day.http: / / / projects / 74273.html

Modification of cursor social engine

Customer: Shoma Php (ShomaPHP) the category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: to 100 usd it is necessary to
complete cursor socialengine, into the weight functional is also built on social engine. It is
necessary site on the functional to make copy periods! Thanks!http: / / / projects / 74219.html

Creation RSS of informera for NucleusccMS

Customer: Mozharov Maxim Vladimirovich (sezarius) The category: Web-
programming, Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? Example of
informera here http: //ht-news [ dot ] info/platform NuclusccMShttp: / / / projects / 74212.html

Script (php+.xajax+.jquery)

Customer: Nikolay (inetart) the category: Scripts/Web- application,
Web- programming The budget: 120 USD the overall task: To write small
script and to fasten to the templates (to otverstat'). Templates -
http: // Technical task
- http: // I specially
focus attention, that for interaktiva must be used freymvorki xajax
and jquery. Budget 3000 wmr (approximately y20$) periods 1 day.http: / / / projects / 74235.html

Tuning coding shop script + explanation as

Customer: Artyukov Yevgeny (Jekos) the category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? It is necessary to dispose the
correct mapping of signs in adminke of store on SS free. In the user
part everything is excellent, but in adminki - the signs of a
question. (coding site Windows -1251), adminka and base also, but what
the chertovshchinka nevertheless))) payment - if you want to
predoplatu that only through the safe transaction + is required form
on veblansere, which desirably coincides with the coordinates in
as'ke. The comrades of lokhotronshchiki, even do not be thrust, in me
on you scent already.http: / / / projects / 74199.html

Pascal DOS - > Win (to rewrite progr) St. Petersburg

Customer: Aleksandr (df34td) the category: Development of applied ON
the budget: ? There is the program, written on Pascal. The sense of
program - data processing from is file and mapping information into
grafich. form. Is required to portirovat' to Vindouz, subsequently
modification. Work floor- removed, shelf. Only Pieterhttp: / / / projects / 74247.html

Modification of electronic store on VaM Shop

Customer: ITcom (dmdev) the category: Internet- stores, Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? It is necessary to finish the Internet store
for the new demands of customer. If you please indicate examples of
works this cursor and cost of the hour of work.http: / / / projects / 74201.html

the Program- converter

Customer: Trishin Yuri valer'evich (fiesta777) the category:
Development of applied ON the budget: ? Is necessary the program or
script, which by one cry konventiruyet into file (jpeg) with the
predetermined parameters. At the entrance the files of sizes
CorelDraw, any graphic sizes, including Photoshop. At the output image
in size jpeg in the real sizes with permission 150 dpi, RGB.... + its
miniature. We limit the list of input types it is file by most
extended and claimed (in our case): cdr, tiff, psd, bmp, ai, jpeg,
epshttp: / / / projects / 74215.html

To correct bag in the sending of letter attachem (2)

Customer: Mr Illuminate (Moscow-Russia) the category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? It is necessary to correct bag in the script
for the sending of letter from the site through the Web form attachem
on e-mail. Problem consists in the fact that the letter incorrectly is
sent away. I.e. with the sending of letter on mail come krakozyably
and instead of attacha into the communication stands its base64 code.http: / / / projects / 66167.html

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Modification of cursor social engine

Customer: Shoma Php (ShomaPHP) the category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: to 100 usd it is necessary to
complete cursor socialengine, into the weight functional is also built on social engine. It is
necessary site on the functional to make copy periods! Thanks!http: / / / projects / 74219.html

Is necessary aid in the correction of the code of s++ MS OF THE VC

Customer: Ge.nder Inga (inga_1977) the category: Program interfaces,
the development of applied ON the budget: 10 usd is project MS VC++ 6
necessary to find the reason for the error of linker with sborrke and
to correct contact as'ka in prifilehttp: / / / projects / 74222.html

Creation RSS of informera for NucleusccMS

Customer: Mozharov Maxim Vladimirovich (sezarius) The category: Web-
programming, Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? Example of
informera here http: //ht-news [ dot ] info/platform NuclusccMShttp: / / / projects / 74212.html

Tuning coding shop script + explanation as

Customer: Artyukov Yevgeny (Jekos) the category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? It is necessary to dispose the
correct mapping of signs in adminke of store on SS free. In the user
part everything is excellent, but in adminki - the signs of a
question. (coding site Windows -1251), adminka and base also, but what
the chertovshchinka nevertheless))) payment - if you want to
predoplatu that only through the safe transaction + is required form
on veblansere, which desirably coincides with the coordinates in
as'ke. The comrades of lokhotronshchiki, even do not be thrust, in me
on you scent already.http: / / / projects / 74199.html

Modification of electronic store on VaM Shop

Customer: ITcom (dmdev) the category: Internet- stores, Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? It is necessary to finish the Internet store
for the new demands of customer. If you please indicate examples of
works this cursor and cost of the hour of work.http: / / / projects / 74201.html

the Program- converter

Customer: Trishin Yuri valer'evich (fiesta777) the category:
Development of applied ON the budget: ? Is necessary the program or
script, which by one cry konventiruyet into file (jpeg) with the
predetermined parameters. At the entrance the files of sizes
CorelDraw, any graphic sizes, including Photoshop. At the output image
in size jpeg in the real sizes with permission 150 dpi, RGB.... + its
miniaturehttp: / / / projects / 74215.html

Converter of Price for the Internet store Vam Shop (2)

Customer: Kaburneyev Igor Sergeyevich (Hsite) The category:
Scripts/Web- application The budget: 20 usd is html Price sheet adult
of thematics. It represents table with 5 columns and set of lines. In
stobtsakh: picture, the code of goods, name, description, price. Is
necessary script for the conversion of this Price into store Vam Shop,
it takes a long time to drive into with hands:)http: / / / projects / 72136.html

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Html imposition. Only Kharkov!

Customer: Dmitry Grigoriev (dmitros) the category: HTML- imposition,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? Is required html imposition -
to reimpose printed publication from indesign in html. the quantity of
articles - 34. Each article - from 1 to 10 skrolov of screen. To the
article from 2 to 15 images (on the average - 5). Make rates, only if
you have actually powerful computer! Because: - texts are located
inside file indd. Files with size from 100 to 300 MB.. - the images of
high resolution are applied - it is necessary to resayzit'. I allow: -
4 DVD disk with all of iskhodnikami. (therefore it is impossible the
remote work) - the printed version of periodical. - clear TZ, in which
are indicated the rules of imposition (styles for zagolovokov, it is
text, the arrangement of elements, etc. - they are ready.) Periods and
cost here, if you please!!http: / / / projects / 73967.html

Export of rating with

Customer: IVAN (aaz2) the category: Scripts/Web- application The
budget: ? It is necessary to create something similar - http:
// the generation of button with the rating,
which is taken with / / / projects / 73969.html

Development PO for children's CD (7)

Customer: Interbaby (interbaby) the category: Development of applied
ON, the development of games the budget: to 1000 USD only KIEV! Is
required programmer, with the experience of writing TZ and qualitative
performance affirmed TZ. Resumes with the enumeration of that
developed ON to send ***, is compulsory to indicate their telephones.
The mock-ups of screen forms already exist. You will attentively study
reference http: //, if they are
not agreeable with the opinion of contributor - can us not write. Only
KIEV!http: / / / projects / 45522.html

To protestirovat' the Internet is store (PHP)

Customer: Kurochkin Aleksandr Sergeyevich (Wa- studio) The category:
Scripts/Web- application, Testing ON The budget: ? It is necessary to
protestirovat' the Internet- store, created on the basis of cursor
LastoShopGold 4. The revealed errors must be corrected. Details in
lichke.http: / / / projects / 73984.html

Module for DLE

Customer: Frilanser Aleksey (Brendoff) the category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? Is necessary The small Module Of the "city"
Of the functions: +Sozdaniye/the editing of list is municipal +Vybor
of city by yuzerom (in the profile/with the registration) OF +CHPU of
this form: to the address: list is municipal, and a quantity of yuzerov in
each. With the selection of city, the list of all users from this of
city. I await your proposals here. It is compulsory to indicate price
and number icq for the connection. P.S. the presence of opinions IS
COMPULSORY!http: / / / projects / 73992.html

To decode several scripts

Customer: Vasenin Anton (ASVasenyn) The category: Scripts/Web-
application, Web- programming The budget: ? Good day! Is required man
which it will be able to decode several scripts on php. how they are
protected I do not know. Payment for understanding.http: / / / projects / 73993.html

To alter scripts on white resists the site

Customer: Basad Bulburad (nemoss) the category: Web- programming, the
development of the data bases the budget: to 100 usd there is the Web
and white resists sites on which revolve several services (site of
kontent of the provider of mobile operator). Is now created the new
version of vebsayta, sootvetsvenno is altered the structure of base
and other it is necessary to tie white resists site to the current
structure to recorrect scripts and to neglect white resists on the new
site. For the acquaintance to smog to give references to the old and
new sites on the rotation. To executor I will transmit into rar file
entire of white resists site.http: / / / projects / 73995.html

Soketnyy cursor

Customer: Sap'yanov Vitalius (vynt) the category: Development of
system ON, scripts/Web- application the budget: ? Soketnyy cursor of
server. Soft under Windows. It must ensure discovery 4000 and more
than soketov and their odenovremennuyu working. Performance in any
form (DLL either class with the initial code on Delphi or S++). Other
tasks with the start in the command of the developers of promising
project are possible.http: / / / projects / 73998.html

Module for DLE

Customer: Frilanser Aleksey (Brendoff) the category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? Is necessary The small Module Of the "city"
Of the functions: +Sozdaniye/the editing of list is municipal +Vybor
of city by yuzerom (in the profile/with the registration) OF +CHPU of
this form: to the address: list is municipal, and a quantity of yuzerov in
each. With the selection of city, the list of all users from this of
city. I await your proposals here. It is compulsory to indicate price
and number icq for the connection. P.S. the presence of opinions IS
COMPULSORY!http: / / / projects / 73992.html

To decode several scripts

Customer: Vasenin Anton (ASVasenyn) The category: Scripts/Web-
application, Web- programming The budget: ? Good day! Is required man
which it will be able to decode several scripts on php. how they are
protected I do not know. Payment for understanding.http: / / / projects / 73993.html

To alter scripts on white resists the site

Customer: Basad Bulburad (nemoss) the category: Web- programming, the
development of the data bases the budget: to 100 usd there is the Web
and white resists sites on which revolve several services (site of
kontent of the provider of mobile operator). Is now created the new
version of vebsayta, sootvetsvenno is altered the structure of base
and other it is necessary to tie white resists site to the current
structure to recorrect scripts and to neglect white resists on the new
site. For the acquaintance to smog to give references to the old and
new sites on the rotation. To executor I will transmit into rar file
entire of white resists site.http: / / / projects / 73995.html

Soketnyy cursor

Customer: Sap'yanov Vitalius (vynt) the category: Development of
system ON, scripts/Web- application the budget: ? Soketnyy cursor of
server. Soft under Windows. It must ensure discovery 4000 and more
than soketov and their odenovremennuyu working. Performance in any
form (DLL either class with the initial code on Delphi or S++). Other
tasks with the start in the command of the developers of promising
project are possible.http: / / / projects / 73998.html

To protestirovat' the Internet is store (PHP)

Customer: Kurochkin Aleksandr Sergeyevich (Wa- studio) The category:
Scripts/Web- application, Testing ON The budget: ? It is necessary to
protestirovat' the Internet- store, created on the basis of cursor
LastoShopGold 4. The revealed errors must be corrected. Details in
lichke.http: / / / projects / 73984.html

Development PO for children's CD (7)

Customer: Interbaby (interbaby) the category: Development of applied
ON, the development of games the budget: to 1000 USD only KIEV! Is
required programmer, with the experience of writing TZ and qualitative
performance affirmed TZ. Resumes with the enumeration of that
developed ON to send ***, is compulsory to indicate their telephones.
The mock-ups of screen forms already exist. You will attentively study
reference http: //, if they are
not agreeable with the opinion of contributor - can us not write. Only
KIEV!http: / / / projects / 45522.html

Html imposition. Only Kharkov!

Customer: Dmitry Grigoriev (dmitros) the category: HTML- imposition,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? Is required html imposition -
to reimpose printed publication from indesign in html. the quantity of
articles - 34. Each article - from 1 to 10 skrolov of screen. To the
article from 2 to 15 images (on the average - 5). Make rates, only if
you have actually powerful computer! Because: - texts are located
inside file indd. Files with size from 100 to 300 MB.. - the images of
high resolution are applied - it is necessary to resayzit'. I allow: -
4 DVD disk with all of iskhodnikami. (therefore it is impossible the
remote work) - the printed version of periodical. - clear TZ, in which
are indicated the rules of imposition (styles for zagolovokov, it is
text, the arrangement of elements, etc. - they are ready.) Periods and
cost here, if you please!!http: / / / projects / 73967.html

Export of rating with

Customer: IVAN (aaz2) the category: Scripts/Web- application The
budget: ? It is necessary to create something similar - http:
// the generation of button with the rating,
which is taken with / / / projects / 73969.html

The script of the purchase of sale of the traffic is necessary

Customer: Alex Div (divinorum) the category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? Is necessary script similar to
this: _ http: // proposals and price to write on e -.mai:
***http: / / / projects / 73948.html

Web- calculator for calculating the payments

Customer: Sergey Ivanov (abcsport) the category: Scripts/Web-
application, Web- programming The budget: ? It is necessary to write
Web- calculator. User introduces sum and selects the parameters. On
the same page luminesces the result in more detail with the
correspondence.http: / / / projects / 73934.html

To write plagin for firefox

Customer: Sergiyenko Oleg (okneigres) The category: Development of
applied ON the budget: ? Plagin must group the open pages in one
window on the domain of site (all taby of one domain - in one window
firefox) and substitute znachek firefox in taskbare to favicon site.
I.e., all pages from domain must be opened in one window,
from domain - in other window, and so forth of znachek in
taskbare it corresponds favicon site.http: / / / projects / 73932.html

To finish the simple script

Customer: Nik Gold (ZL0Y) the category: Scripts/Web- application The
budget: ? Entire good evening. Children, help to if you please finish
not very complex script... Money now just barely enough... can by what
thread by barter possible? There in the script only of 50 lines from
the force and it to pkhp. but ceased to work recently, it works on
apachi in me on kompe, on serve to rzagruzhayu - error 500. Help if
you please. icq: ***http: / / / projects / 73935.html

Development of module for Drupal

Customer: Nikolay Ivanov (NikolayIvanov) the category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? It is necessary to develop module for Drupal
(mapping information in the graphic form)http: / / / projects / 73924.html

Monday, September 29, 2008

Modification of script!

Customer: Makeyev Dmitriy (skainet) the category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: to 100 usd to finish the script of partner
program, to rewrite nucleus, to uvazat' the part of the scripts, to
remove rubbish, to finish the part of the scripts, (php, wml/xhtml,
SQL, java script) (it is desirable work experience with wap by
projects!)http: / / / projects / 73734.html

Fleshery for the work with miniigrami

Customer: Khorev Dmitriy (bm00n) the category: Flash, the development
of games the budget: 3000 usd there is a pool of 10 flesh of games, it
is necessary to introduce modifications into their mul'tipleyernuyu
part - old methods of contact with the server to change to the new
(AS2, our API and working server). I search for intelligent flesherov,
capable of examine the strange code and of being plotted in the
stipulated periods.http: / / / projects / 73742.html


Customer: Nazarov Vladimir (vnazarov) The category: The development of
the data bases, diplomas are/course/abstracts the budget: ?
Development of the configurations of yS of version 7,8. Development of
the microprocessor systemshttp: / / / projects / 73754.html

Parser of kontenta

Customer: Sergey lesin (Bokig) the category: Scripts/Web- application
The budget: ? How do you do, is necessary the parser of kontenta, it
is desirable with sinonimayzerom. Expected operating principle:
Publication of the news (picture, text, reference, so the prisoners
into hide), undertaken from other sites (predominantly on DLE, but
zhelatiyel'no and such, as on the site under control Ucoz.
Ucoz it does not support PHP, but there is a possibility of the import
of the remote code. It is in more detail by those interesting.http: / / / projects / 73759.html

Proga of the collection of the statistics

Customer: Marketingovye technologies (Dober) the category: The
development of applied ON, is other the budget: ? The program of the
collection of statistics from the coffee automata kikko e the contact
of *** work experience is requiredhttp: / / / projects / 73728.html

Script on PHP. work with gif

Customer: Tikhonov Aleksey (focussoft) the category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? Good day! You look application.http: / / / projects / 73691.html

Panel of the administration of the play hosting

Customer: Lukoyanov Artem (Funy) the category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: to 1000 USD good day... It is necessary to
make a panel for control of play servers on base HL1 and Source. That
the approximated TccAdmin..http: / / / projects / 73677.html

It is necessary to rewrite script. Urgently.

Customer: Elizar Cyrils (Hosting24x7) The category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: 10 usd it is necessary to rewrite script. ICQ
*** of ***http: / / / projects / 73667.html

ExBB = > vBulletin

Customer: Byvalyy Aleksandr (kasanders) the category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? Good time of day! It is necessary to
transfer periods given from ExBB 1.0 V vBulletin and price to leave
here.http: / / / projects / 73704.html

To make module DLE

Customer: Ivanov Vladimir (vladobmen) The category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? Necessary to make a module of
the payment of references to the running off with that sewn so that in
the user would be its balance in akkaunte it of it it could supplement
for sms and t d this is how here http: // vvkcorp
password 090909 only so that it would be possible to advance cost and
time of deistviya of payment, but not as there payment for each
reference t e so that the user after paying access would obtain access
to all references is immediately on n hour you write price and
periodshttp: / / / projects / 73695.html

Modification AJAX of forms on introduction and tracking of the order

Customer: Alexander Vihtyuk (fgroup) the category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? Is necessary man for the
modification of introduction and tracking of statuses of orders into
the system. TZ - on the demand in as'ke. With the development was used
http: // OBSERVATION: To make is necessary rapidly - in
the course of 2-3 days. Tentatively time is required *** it is hour
with the selection of the code. If you now do not have time - it is
not necessary to participate in the tender. Is assumed a constant
collaboration subsequently on the support of this system on the
modifications on TZ. From you - reference to portfolio, number of
as'ki, presence in as'ke in the evening 29.9.2008 for the contact and
transfers to you TZ.http: / / / projects / 73710.html

Base data

Customer: Is stack Anton (RootZenwalker) The category: Scripts/Web-
application, Kontent- management The budget: ? It is necessary to
sparsit' the base of addresses for all regions on and
to write the script for the mapping, analogous to this site. Proposals
on the time and price write in LS or icq ***http: / / / projects / 73711.html

Script of checking orthography on Ajax

Customer: "PROMO" LTD (promotion) the category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? Necessary to realize the script
of orthography for Textarea.T.e user introduces a certain text, also,
with the aid of ajax, is conducted checking orthography. Version is
number 1 http: // is number 2 http:
// crucial point checking
orthography must be in several languages, and as the dictionary, to
take the open dictionaries from Openoffice here is the description of
the slovorey openoffice http:
// Is necessary man,
which will be able tyuey razobratsya also without the excess delays to
realize this function.http: / / / projects / 73718.html

Editing of module Web_.Links PHP-Nuke

Customer: Hares Dmitriy (dm11) the category: Scripts/Web- application
The budget: ? It is necessary to edit module Web_.Links PHP-Nuke, so
as to references would be straight lines, but not through rederikt.http: / / / projects / 73719.html

Modification of script!

Customer: Makeyev Dmitriy (skainet) the category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: to 100 usd to finish the script of partner
program, to rewrite nucleus, to uvazat' the part of the scripts, to
remove rubbish, to finish the part of the scripts, (php, wml/xhtml,
SQL, java script) (it is desirable work experience with wap by
projects!)http: / / / projects / 73734.html

Modification AJAX of forms on introduction and tracking of the order

Customer: Alexander Vihtyuk (fgroup) the category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? Is necessary man for the
modification of introduction and tracking of statuses of orders into
the system. TZ - on the demand in as'ke. With the development was used
http: // OBSERVATION: To make is necessary rapidly - in
the course of 2-3 days. Tentatively time is required *** it is hour
with the selection of the code. If you now do not have time - it is
not necessary to participate in the tender. Is assumed a constant
collaboration subsequently on the support of this system on the
modifications on TZ. From you - reference to portfolio, number of
as'ki, presence in as'ke in the evening 29.9.2008 for the contact and
transfers to you TZ.http: / / / projects / 73710.html

Base data

Customer: Is stack Anton (RootZenwalker) The category: Scripts/Web-
application, Kontent- management The budget: ? It is necessary to
sparsit' the base of addresses for all regions on and
to write the script for the mapping, analogous to this site. Proposals
on the time and price write in LS or icq ***http: / / / projects / 73711.html

Script of checking orthography on Ajax

Customer: "PROMO" LTD (promotion) the category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? Necessary to realize the script
of orthography for Textarea.T.e user introduces a certain text, also,
with the aid of ajax, is conducted checking orthography. Version is
number 1 http: // is number 2 http:
// crucial point checking
orthography must be in several languages, and as the dictionary, to
take the open dictionaries from Openoffice here is the description of
the slovorey openoffice http:
// Is necessary man,
which will be able tyuey razobratsya also without the excess delays to
realize this function.http: / / / projects / 73718.html

Editing of module Web_.Links PHP-Nuke

Customer: Hares Dmitriy (dm11) the category: Scripts/Web- application
The budget: ? It is necessary to edit module Web_.Links PHP-Nuke, so
as to references would be straight lines, but not through rederikt.http: / / / projects / 73719.html

To make module DLE

Customer: Ivanov Vladimir (vladobmen) The category: Web- programming,
Scripts/Web- application The budget: ? Necessary to make a module of
the payment of references to the running off with that sewn so that in
the user would be its balance in akkaunte it of it it could supplement
for sms and t d this is how here http: // vvkcorp
password 090909 only so that it would be possible to advance cost and
time of deistviya of payment, but not as there payment for each
reference t e so that the user after paying access would obtain access
to all references is immediately on n hour you write price and
periodshttp: / / / projects / 73695.html

Script on PHP. work with gif

Customer: Tikhonov Aleksey (focussoft) the category: Scripts/Web-
application The budget: ? Good day! You look application.http: / / / projects / 73691.html