Friday, October 3, 2008

[ Python ] Plagin for PIL for parsinga..ICHO

Customer: Sergey (pistolero) the category: Development of system ON,
the development of applied ON the budget: to 250 usd to me is
necessary plagin to Python Imaging Library for parsinga..ICHO. In PIL
already is taky of plagin; however, it strongly obsolete, and it does
not support the contemporary expansion of size (alpha transparency,
32- X bit color, etc.). Plagin must correctly open ALL types of
ikonok, and it is normal to be integrated with PIL. Must be written on
the the clean Python, with a good style and the formulation on Pep-8.
As the example to the realization of work with the size I recommend to
look http: // also to koye that
it is possible to podcherpnut' from the article in Vikipedii http:
// / / / projects / 74489.html

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