Saturday, December 27, 2008

Script of the parser

Customer: Elena Of peste (pantera123) the category: Scripts/of Web- application the budget: ? Copy of the scripthttp: / / / projects / 88944.html

Poster to php

Customer: Nikolai (nickz)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: to 50 USD the script fasts communication to the sites from the list. TZ in the application. The code of form where necessary to fast I will send separately. cms I do not indicate.http: / / / projects / 88945.html

[Servernaya] part and application from Google Of maps

Customer: Geo Of soft (geoSoft)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, the development of applied [po]
Budget: ? [Servernaya] part: application hears out the specific port, obtains information (coordinates), it preserves into the base. Multi-flow. Table application: the chain of coordinates is obtained from the base of coordinate/, it reflects them in the form the points/of broken line on the map Of google Of map. TZ now is not allowed, t [k] in this time goes the selection of the candidatures, which developed similar products. [Portfolio], by resume to dispatch to *** the required requirements: the development of [servernykh] applications (Java, Microsoft.NET) work from Google Of map API in the applications. the presence of finished works ([portfolio])http: / / / projects / 88941.html

Friday, December 26, 2008

Script of automatic. the registration \ of voting.

Customer: Empty Of place (PhaseOne)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? Is necessary script (automatic registration + of automatic voting) turnkey for the specific site. I will give link to the interested people. [Kapcha] is present, but to go around will not compose its large labor. After the details - into [lichku], tentative prices and periods indicate here \ in [lichke].http: / / / projects / 88907.html

To create the component of joomla.

Customer: [Stas] nicotine (Tost2004)
Category: Web- programming, the development of the data bases
Budget: ? It is necessary to create precisely the component of the catalog of real estate for joomla, to it the program of base- data of real estate (for localhost). to be added all objects will be through [BD] real estate and will remain both to local and on the site. The object has different characteristics + of photo and still. Proposals without the price and the periods are slanted IMMEDIATELY!!!!http: / / / projects / 88908.html

To create the component of joomla.

Customer: [Stas] nicotine (Tost2004)
Category: Web- programming, the development of the data bases
Budget: ? It is necessary to create precisely the component of the catalog of real estate for joomla, to it the program of base- data of real estate (for localhost). to be added all objects will be through [BD] real estate and will remain both to local and on the site. The object has different characteristics + of photo and still. Proposals without the price and the periods are slanted IMMEDIATELY!!!!http: / / / projects / 88908.html

Script of automatic. the registration \ of voting.

Customer: Empty Of place (PhaseOne)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? Is necessary script (automatic registration + of automatic voting) turnkey for the specific site. I will give link to the interested people. [Kapcha] is present, but to go around will not compose its large labor. After the details - into [lichku], tentative prices and periods indicate here \ in [lichke].http: / / / projects / 88907.html

Creation of the automatic exchanger Of webMoney

Customer: [Dima] Of [dima] (DimetriO)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? Is necessary the site of the instantaneous automatic exchanger of the electronic money Of webMoney. Priority - qualitative, rapid and failure-free operation of exchanger. Utilized currency: WMZ, WME, WMU, WMR, WMB, WMY, WMG. The design of site I propose i. necessary to only [zaverstat] HTML. Design of simple without [navorotov] (for an example - site of the exchanger of http: // / / / projects / 88884.html

ZIP of [arkhivator] on AJAX

Customer: [Emelyanov] Alexander (shinkar)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? Is necessary ZIP of [arkhivator] at AJAX'e of detail you look in those task. The proposals are not examined without the price and the periods.http: / / / projects / 88898.html

Modification of the system of testing personnel (PHP)

Customer: [Grinchishin] Vitalius (nvvetal)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? System is written and is written on the language PHP 4, DBMS (Data Base Management System) Of mySQL 4 templates - Smarty general tasks depending on your level from top to bottom in the complexity: Writing the editors of reference books the correction of small [bagov] final writing the modules of system the creation of new modules according to TZ processing modules according to MVC the documentation of its and strange code from you is required: stay in the Ukraine work with the system of [khotyaby] of 3 hours during the day the separation of the code from HTML with [ekshenakh] - is compulsory ravines!!! work with SVN payment in the hour - 4-6 [u].[e]. depending on your skills TZ for checking the knowledge - fastened results to send away for the soap - ***http: / / / projects / 88848.html

Small project -[fotogalereya].

Customer: Flytolife Of studio (flytolife)
Category: Flash, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: 250 USD how do you do, respected [frilansery]! There is the work, which must be carried out. Work consists in order to create very simple [proektik]-[fotogalereyu], with [ispolzovaniem] Of pHP+MySQL, and also Flash for the formulation of project. In what the system of the administration consists: Only into: Addition \ removal \ the editing of albums and photographs. Nothing complex it is must. Everything is simple. Your prices and periods.http: / / / projects / 88897.html

Script of the automatic conducting of battle in on-line game (2)

Customer: Andrey (andred14)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: 30 USD are an on-line game. Simple, [brauzernaya], it works on PHP and Java Of script (Ajax). It is necessary to obtain and to send specific data on server in order to organize the automatic conducting of battle between two characters. Detailed TZ I will send additionally (leave ICQ). Price and periods interests!http: / / / projects / 81427.html

ZIP of [arkhivator] on AJAX

Customer: [Emelyanov] Alexander (shinkar)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? Is necessary ZIP of [arkhivator] at AJAX'e of detail you look in those task. The proposals are not examined without the price and the periods.http: / / / projects / 88898.html

Small project -[fotogalereya].

Customer: Flytolife Of studio (flytolife)
Category: Flash, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: 250 USD how do you do, respected [frilansery]! There is the work, which must be carried out. Work consists in order to create very simple [proektik]-[fotogalereyu], with [ispolzovaniem] Of pHP+MySQL, and also Flash for the formulation of project. In what the system of the administration consists: Only into: Addition \ removal \ the editing of albums and photographs. Nothing complex it is must. Everything is simple. Your prices and periods.http: / / / projects / 88897.html

Small project -[fotogalereya].

Customer: Flytolife Of studio (flytolife)
Category: Flash, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: 250 USD how do you do, respected [frilansery]! There is the work, which must be carried out. Work consists in order to create very simple [proektik]-[fotogalereyu], with [ispolzovaniem] Of pHP+MySQL, and also Flash for the formulation of project. In what the system of the administration consists: Only into: Addition \ removal \ the editing of albums and photographs. Nothing complex it is must. Everything is simple. Your prices and periods.http: / / / projects / 88897.html

ZIP of [arkhivator] on AJAX

Customer: [Emelyanov] Alexander (shinkar)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? Is necessary ZIP of [arkhivator] at AJAX'e of detail you look in those task. The proposals are not examined without the price and the periods.http: / / / projects / 88898.html

Creation of the automatic exchanger Of webMoney

Customer: [Dima] Of [dima] (DimetriO)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? Is necessary the site of the instantaneous automatic exchanger of the electronic money Of webMoney. Priority - qualitative, rapid and failure-free operation of exchanger. Utilized currency: WMZ, WME, WMU, WMR, WMB, WMY, WMG. The design of site I propose i. necessary to only [zaverstat] HTML. Design of simple without [navorotov] (for an example - site of the exchanger of http: // / / / projects / 88884.html

Creation of the automatic exchanger Of webMoney

Customer: [Dima] Of [dima] (DimetriO)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? Is necessary the site of the instantaneous automatic exchanger of the electronic money Of webMoney. Priority - qualitative, rapid and failure-free operation of exchanger. Utilized currency: WMZ, WME, WMU, WMR, WMB, WMY, WMG. The design of site I propose i. necessary to only [zaverstat] HTML. Design of simple without [navorotov] (for an example - site of the exchanger of http: // / / / projects / 88884.html

Modification of the system of testing personnel (PHP)

Customer: [Grinchishin] Vitalius (nvvetal)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? System is written and is written on the language PHP 4, DBMS (Data Base Management System) Of mySQL 4 templates - Smarty general tasks depending on your level from top to bottom in the complexity: Writing the editors of reference books the correction of small [bagov] final writing the modules of system the creation of new modules according to TZ processing modules according to MVC the documentation of its and strange code from you is required: stay in the Ukraine work with the system of [khotyaby] of 3 hours during the day the separation of the code from HTML with [ekshenakh] - is compulsory ravines!!! work with SVN payment in the hour - 4-6 [u].[e]. depending on your skills TZ for checking the knowledge - fastened results to send away for the soap - ***http: / / / projects / 88848.html

Course is the programming

Customer: [Kasyantsev] Sergey (kaz_zebra)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts, the development of applied [po]
Budget: to 100 USD of task in the [prikreplennom] file, there an example. It is possible to alter an example, but the code must maximally differ (another menu, the names of variables, the use of #define so forth). [Kursach] will be returned to the same [prepodu]. If you make from zero, then it is allowed to: Borland C, Turbo Of c++, Visual Of c++ of 6.0.[Kod] must be maximally [zakommentirovan] (this importantly - in programming not of [silen]). Explanatory note must contain the detailed description of all operations above the file (detailed) and the description of program itself, if on from or [S]++, then the block diagram of algorithms is required. Date of delivery on January 5 to 6.http: / / / projects / 88838.html

Library to Joomla

Customer: Sergey Sergey (cjseriy)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? Is necessary the realization of electronic library to Joomla. C by the possibility to place the books, mp3, video and programs. Component must be completely [russifitsirovanym] and operational. Indicate if you please: Example to realizations and price.http: / / / projects / 88833.html

To create the page of statistics (sport)

Customer: Rustam (rustam)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? There is a site of the rating of athletes realized by one of [frilanserov] from this site, nowadays it is no longer occupied by [frilansom] therefore I lay out work for the rest. ------------------------------ What it is necessary to realize? Necessary to create page where will show a quantity of medals (gold, ser., bronze.) in different ways I see sport. All these data are taken from the already existing data base. There will be the falling out menu with the following (in the alphabetical order): ---Menu--- - Region 1 region is 2nd region 3 ------------ To a similar work it is possible to look according to this reference of http: // sportresults.php there also the very only there is no [menyushki]. Here and entire work.http: / / / projects / 88825.html

Is necessary [BD

Customer: Orlovskii (Jericho)
Category: Development of the data bases, the development of applied [po]
Budget: ? How do you do, which means, task is the following. There is the information, finished, to eat information, to [kotorayabudetdobavlyatsya]. Is necessary [bd], simple on [svoeyfunktsii], interesting is functional. In whom there are [iskhodniki] show, if they are ready to make propose price. on the periods it is necessary rapidly. In the very of [bd] the window of the conclusion of information (maximum to 3 windows) much level search the conclusion of information on several criteria to 5 I to respectively [yuzabiliti], must be good. Propose from [Paskalyado] [Oraklaukazyvayte] exemplary [stoiost] of work.http: / / / projects / 88827.html

Serious work on [nizkourovn]. to the programming

Customer: [Teplenev] Maxim (Teplenew)
Category: Development of system [po]
Budget: ? Thus, there are several works, which will have to carry out one person. List of the works: - The detailed survey of the work of operating system with the incline on the assembler (it will be used with the development OS) - detailed maximally complete and intelligible management on PS/of 2 mice, keyboard, DMA, FDC, A20, boot to [protsesu], VGA to regime, to architecture IA-32, to assembler, to net interface. [OBYAZATELNO] indicate price! Otherwise it is not examined. [Portfolio] [obyazatelno].http: / / / projects / 88828.html

Information about the system

Customer: Mikhail [Pankov] (mihpank) the category: Development of applied ON the budget: ? Instruction in the archivehttp: / / / projects / 88808.html

[Graber] for DLE

Customer: Wg By (WGby)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: to 50 USD it is generally necessary to write [graber] and to tighten it to DLE. To rob 2 sites is necessary: http: // http: // example of the work of the script: http: //pr news.php the planned budget - 20$ I wait your proposals. icq: ***http: / / / projects / 88809.html

cursor for the site from the work/to the vacancies

Customer: [Semenkin] Denis (Semenkin)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, system of administration [kontentom]
Budget: ? Let us acquire finished [dvizhek] on the work and the vacancies, good, with the navigation on the headings and the internal correspondence (desirably)http: / / / projects / 88789.html

Modification Of adventNet Of zoho CRM

Customer: [Zarezankov] Cyril (kirillvz)
Category: Development of applied [po]
Budget: ? Java programming (Java Of app Of server - Tomcat): 1) the correction of [baga] with the Russian coding in several classes before beginning work will be TZ. Payment is step by step.http: / / / projects / 88778.html

Copy of the parser

Customer: Beautiful is saddle-tree (qazqaz)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? Is necessary the copy of parser which it is found through the reference of http: // notemplategrabber/http: / / / projects / 88801.html

Script of automatic purchase in on-line game

Customer: Andrey (andred14)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? There is on-line game, made to ajax+php. It is necessary to make the script, which will reveal in the store the budget item (with the interval 5 seconds), and during the detection buy it. Work it must into cron `e (planner on the server). Details with the correspondence. Leave contacts, it is desirable TO ICQ.http: / / / projects / 88803.html

Script of automatic purchase in on-line game

Customer: Andrey (andred14)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? There is on-line game, made to ajax+php. It is necessary to make the script, which will reveal in the store the budget item (with the interval 5 seconds), and during the detection buy it. Work it must into cron `e (planner on the server). Details with the correspondence. Leave contacts, it is desirable TO ICQ.http: / / / projects / 88803.html

[Graber] for DLE

Customer: Wg By (WGby)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: to 50 USD it is generally necessary to write [graber] and to tighten it to DLE. To rob 2 sites is necessary: http: // http: // example of the work of the script: http: //pr news.php the planned budget - 20$ I wait your proposals. icq: ***http: / / / projects / 88809.html

Information about the system

Customer: Mikhail [Pankov] (mihpank) the category: Development of applied ON the budget: ? Instruction in the archivehttp: / / / projects / 88808.html

cursor for the site from the work/to the vacancies

Customer: [Semenkin] Denis (Semenkin)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, system of administration [kontentom]
Budget: ? Let us acquire finished [dvizhek] on the work and the vacancies, good, with the navigation on the headings and the internal correspondence (desirably)http: / / / projects / 88789.html

cursor for the site from the work/to the vacancies

Customer: [Semenkin] Denis (Semenkin)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, system of administration [kontentom]
Budget: ? Let us acquire finished [dvizhek] on the work and the vacancies, good, with the navigation on the headings and the internal correspondence (desirably)http: / / / projects / 88789.html

Thursday, December 25, 2008

[Grabber] of the descriptions of the goods

Customer: Korolev Grigoriy (mediasv)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? It is necessary to make 5 [grabberov] of descriptions and pictures to the goods from respectively 5 Internet- stores. Each [grabber] must be integrated with the cursor of shop-script. [Grabber] is started on cron for adding of new goods and renovation of those existing. It is in more detail into [t].[z]. with the work.http: / / / projects / 88746.html

Boat for betfair

Customer: Iurikov Of iurii (Iurik82)
Category: Development of applied [po]
Budget: 150 USD is necessary programmer for creating the simple boat for the site of betfair (only with the work experience precisely with this site). icq of *** of skype of iurik82http: / / / projects / 88733.html

Development of HTML- browser to C++ ([sokety])

Customer: Yegor (qwerty1986)
Category: Development of applied [po]
Budget: ? It is necessary to develop HTML- browser. Development UNDER UNIX - [verssii], compatability and the like let us agree on more lately. Functional requirements: 1. work with the protocol HTTP at the level of [soketov] 2. browser must support basic TEG (table, h, b, font, a and the like, on list let us agree), and also CSS the period: until January 10 must be the possibility during that remaining to 10 periods to consecutively demonstrate work in parts. The cost of project first of all interests.http: / / / projects / 88735.html

NewsgrabberJC 1.0.7 to dispose into joomla 1.0.12 RE

Customer: [Glushchenya] of Anastasiy (Nasten-ka)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, the Web- programming
Budget: ? Is necessary tuning newsgrabberJC 1.0.7 to Joomla 1.0.12 RE it is impossible to neglect import (manual, even standard tapes). He writes that some error of xml with the import (well, on the whole, their 2, etc it gives some error of the syntax of php) is necessary specialist on phphttp: / / / projects / 88719.html

Imposition of three simple to [stranits]+[galereya]+[menyu

Customer: Anton Zigmund (zigmund_friend)
Category: HTML- imposition, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: to 50 USD it is necessary urgently (to NG) to make up into pages three simple pages + to make the falling out menu and a gallery. You [stuchites] into [asku]: *** or write to the mail: ***http: / / / projects / 88710.html

To write the script

Customer: Lertnig Of lertnig (lertnig)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? There is a site which it costs to WebAsys (analog of shopscript). On the site there are several categories (sale of knobs, cigarette lighters and the like) necessary to force goods with the automatic import to be published in several categories of site. Unloading occurs not with 1c. The matter in the fact that into 1[s] are stored only the designation of goods both price and quantity. Compulsorily name the price of a question!http: / / / projects / 88706.html

Communication line project

Customer: Popov Eugene (mbizi)
Category: Development of applied [po]
Budget: ? For solving the communication line project in the Internet is required the specialist, capable of solving the following problems: - the creation of the sluice between the flow and the SIP- servers by on-line coding; - the flash- interception of client flows, Java- working and mixing from the side of server; - the creation Of java/of flash of applications for the mobile devices; - the creation of portals with the beautiful convenient design and the integration of different modules (by pay module, by chat room, [fayloobmennikom], by demonstration window so forth). Proposals I please to write in [lichku].http: / / / projects / 88708.html

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

To write module - the ravine of the actions of the user

Customer: [Vdovchenko] Anton (vdovcenko)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? It is necessary to write class on [logirovaniyu] of the actions of user. Base TZ in the file. Details with the correspondence. icq of *** of skype of mbarussia of 200drive (at) into [privat] do not write!!!!http: / / / projects / 88486.html


Customer: [Shavilov] Oleg (bOOst)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? Is necessary [graber] of [vebarkhiva]. I.e. into the script (program) is assigned domain, at the output - precise copy of old site. Preference by already finished [resheniyam]+[vozmozhnost] of modification.http: / / / projects / 88480.html

SEO-[plaginy] on PHP5 (platform Of adept Of framework) (2)

Customer: Medvedev Vladislav (medved)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? It is necessary to write a number of modules for the SEO- portal, which works on the follower. Requirements: Web- programmer with a good knowledge PHP5 JavaScript. Experience of the application OF AJAX. Is desirable work experience from ZendFramework and by the platform Of eclipse PDT. Ability and the desire to study MVC-[freymvork] - Adept Of framework (http: // and to conduct the development of Web- applications on its basishttp: / / / projects / 86308.html

Project into 1[S

Customer: Rybkin Anatoliy (RibkinAnatol)
Category: Development of applied [po]
Budget: ? Are required specialists for the participation in the project in installation and maintenance of the product of 1[S]: Enterprise 7.7 for SQL. Supply in full sets + [ITS] USB. Necessary condition: the presence of certificates on this product of icq of ***http: / / / projects / 88494.html

Who will be able to write the script

Customer: Dmitriy Boss (VIP2009)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: to 100 USD who will be able to write a similar script of http: // and to finish him. Are necessary all scripts, and as far as possible it is possible to still add. Write in [PM]. Write specifically that you will change and that you will finish? Sum, periods. Thanks!http: / / / projects / 88470.html

SEO-[plaginy] on PHP5 (platform Of adept Of framework) (2)

Customer: Medvedev Vladislav (medved)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? It is necessary to write a number of modules for the SEO- portal, which works on the follower. Requirements: Web- programmer with a good knowledge PHP5 JavaScript. Experience of the application OF AJAX. Is desirable work experience from ZendFramework and by the platform Of eclipse PDT. Ability and the desire to study MVC-[freymvork] - Adept Of framework (http: // and to conduct the development of Web- applications on its basishttp: / / / projects / 86308.html

Project into 1[S

Customer: Rybkin Anatoliy (RibkinAnatol)
Category: Development of applied [po]
Budget: ? Are required specialists for the participation in the project in installation and maintenance of the product of 1[S]: Enterprise 7.7 for SQL. Supply in full sets + [ITS] USB. Necessary condition: the presence of certificates on this product of icq of ***http: / / / projects / 88494.html

It is necessary to renew the forum c PHPBB2 on PHPBB3 i.

Customer: [Yakubin] Andrey (yakooobin)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, the Web- programming
Budget: ? 1) it is necessary to renew the forum c PHPBB2 on PHPBB3 2) to place [kapchu] 3) to change [skinhttp: / / / projects / 88438.html


Customer: [Shavilov] Oleg (bOOst)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? Is necessary [graber] of [vebarkhiva]. I.e. into the script (program) is assigned domain, at the output - precise copy of old site. Preference by already finished [resheniyam]+[vozmozhnost] of modification.http: / / / projects / 88480.html

To develop the module of on-line test

Customer: [Vershinin] Yegor (Egor_110)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? It is necessary that on the site there would be on-line examination in traffic controlhttp: / / / projects / 88464.html

To write module - the ravine of the actions of the user

Customer: [Vdovchenko] Anton (vdovcenko)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? It is necessary to write class on [logirovaniyu] of the actions of user. Base TZ in the file. Details with the correspondence. icq of *** of skype of mbarussia of 200drive (at) into [privat] do not write!!!!http: / / / projects / 88486.html

SEO-[plaginy] on PHP5 (platform Of adept Of framework) (2)

Customer: Medvedev Vladislav (medved)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? It is necessary to write a number of modules for the SEO- portal, which works on the follower. Requirements: Web- programmer with a good knowledge PHP5 JavaScript. Experience of the application OF AJAX. Is desirable work experience from ZendFramework and by the platform Of eclipse PDT. Ability and the desire to study MVC-[freymvork] - Adept Of framework (http: // and to conduct the development of Web- applications on its basishttp: / / / projects / 86308.html

HTML of Page with of java scripts.[Srochno]!

Customer: Aleksey Of mironov (ph1l)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: 50 USD Of privet of nuzhno of sdelat' of stranicu HTML s of formami of dlya of vvoda of dannih i of napisat' of skript na of jave of kototriy of eto of budet of obrabativat' za of podrobnoy of infoy of icq of *** of delo ne of terpit of otlogatelstav of del na of chas of maksimum:) price of 50 wmzhttp: / / / projects / 88415.html

To develop the module of on-line test

Customer: [Vershinin] Yegor (Egor_110)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? It is necessary that on the site there would be on-line examination in traffic controlhttp: / / / projects / 88464.html

Who will be able to write the script

Customer: Dmitriy Boss (VIP2009)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: to 100 USD who will be able to write a similar script of http: // and to finish him. Are necessary all scripts, and as far as possible it is possible to still add. Write in [PM]. Write specifically that you will change and that you will finish? Sum, periods. Thanks!http: / / / projects / 88470.html

5 small [otchetikov] into 1[S

Customer: Kovalev Irina (iriko)
Category: Development of applied [po]
Budget: ? 5 small [otchetikov] into 1[S]. Configuration: Bookkeeping calculation d/of the Ukraine. Task - in the applied archive. Payment - after functional check. Period - 26.12.08 9.00. Propose your conditions.http: / / / projects / 88425.html

It is necessary to renew the forum c PHPBB2 on PHPBB3 i.

Customer: [Yakubin] Andrey (yakooobin)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, the Web- programming
Budget: ? 1) it is necessary to renew the forum c PHPBB2 on PHPBB3 2) to place [kapchu] 3) to change [skinhttp: / / / projects / 88438.html

SEO-[plaginy] on PHP5 (platform Of adept Of framework) (2)

Customer: Medvedev Vladislav (medved)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? It is necessary to write a number of modules for the SEO- portal, which works on the follower. Requirements: Web- programmer with a good knowledge PHP5 JavaScript. Experience of the application OF AJAX. Is desirable work experience from ZendFramework and by the platform Of eclipse PDT. Ability and the desire to study MVC-[freymvork] - Adept Of framework (http: // and to conduct the development of Web- applications on its basishttp: / / / projects / 86308.html

Who will be able to write the script

Customer: Dmitriy Boss (VIP2009)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: to 100 USD who will be able to write a similar script of http: // and to finish him.http: / / / projects / 88470.html

To develop the module of on-line test

Customer: [Vershinin] Yegor (Egor_110)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? It is necessary that on the site there would be on-line examination in traffic controlhttp: / / / projects / 88464.html

It is necessary to renew the forum c PHPBB2 on PHPBB3 i.

Customer: [Yakubin] Andrey (yakooobin)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, the Web- programming
Budget: ? 1) it is necessary to renew the forum c PHPBB2 on PHPBB3 2) to place [kapchu] 3) to change [skinhttp: / / / projects / 88438.html

Monday, December 22, 2008

Testing site (6)

Customer: Work exists (outsors_msk)
Category: Testing web- sites, testing [po]
Budget: to 250 USD checking to the crosscountry race -[brauzernost], error of the input of information, work with the user interface. To [yuzabiliti] thus far not necessary. Errors (with what conditions it appears, what error is derived, that must is derived, [printskrin]) it is necessary to introduce into control system of projects, through it to answer questions, and to check when is made. Payment depending on quantity and level of the obtained errors - from 0.1 to 1$ for the error. Simultaneously in the work to 10 projects. If no similar [portfolio] - there is a site for the testing.http: / / / projects / 65217.html

Testing site (6)

Customer: Work exists (outsors_msk)
Category: Testing web- sites, testing [po]
Budget: to 250 USD checking to the crosscountry race -[brauzernost], error of the input of information, work with the user interface. To [yuzabiliti] thus far not necessary. Errors (with what conditions it appears, what error is derived, that must is derived, [printskrin]) it is necessary to introduce into control system of projects, through it to answer questions, and to check when is made. Payment depending on quantity and level of the obtained errors - from 0.1 to 1$ for the error. Simultaneously in the work to 10 projects. If no similar [portfolio] - there is a site for the testing.http: / / / projects / 65217.html

To [skonvertirovat] base from Bloghoster into Wordpress MU

Customer: Mac Of mac (motoMac)
Category: Development of the data bases
Budget: 20 USD how do you do. There is a service of [blogov] on the cursor Of bloghoster. Cursor of sufficiently simple. I am going to move to the cursor Of wordpress MU ([multiyuzernaya] version). Base small, but to lose pitifully, therefore is desirable to preserve [yuzerov], their [blogi] and the like on the whole that it is required: I allow [bekap] of the base of bloghoster, it should be outdistanced into the size of base WP MU, after preserving: 1) users with the maximum of possible personal information (to what extent is allowed the similarity of cursors) 2) Of [blogi] of users with their records. 3) the commentaries of users with the retention of authorship, it is understood. On the whole to preserve everything which is possible, on the maximum.http: / / / projects / 88154.html

Mobile payments

Customer: [Ezhov] Andrey (vozhe)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? The system of the level of a1agregator/of planet3 assumes connection and support of companies, ready to assume mobile payments for its services. Internal control panel, statistics it is other it is required the support of resource already after starting. Proposals are examined only from St. Petersburg how long and money?http: / / / projects / 88163.html

Is necessary program under Linux. Work with the drawing

Customer: Tatarintzev Roman (Rondmeo)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? Cantilever application with the interface of command line is necessary. Input information: - graphic file SVG - dimensions of file (width, height) - a certain region (upper left angle, width, height) - output file JPG output data: - file JPG containing the region assigned above program must rapidly work with the large SVG- files. It is not necessary to use temporary linens for [otrisovki] SVG on a total scale, since the dimensions of SVG- file must not have limitations. As a result this [otrisovka] of vector image on the linen with size into the output file and with the outputs for the fields, for example: poligon (- 1000, -350, 0, -350, 1000, 1500, 500, ***) on the linen with size of 500 to 500.http: / / / projects / 88173.html

Development for the store on the basis Of webAsyst

Customer: Petrik Of alex (wzorcam)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of Web- application the budget: to 500 USD to give the store Of webAsyst against the correspondence with TZ.http: / / / projects / 88204.html

Program for the transfer of data from Excel into jpg

Customer: Ivanov Andrey Alexandrovich (triptt)
Category: Development of applied [po]
Budget: ? It is necessary to make the program, which will process the file of [ekselya], add data and substitute them in the form, which then remains as [risunok].[V] application the file of [ekselya] and as it must appear after the workinghttp: / / / projects / 88211.html

Joomla + Of multisites_Site_Manager + of gallery

Customer: Ilya (kewlman)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: 20 USD cost Joomla 1.015 + Of trueGallery + Of artio 1. necessary to place module for [multisaytovosti], that by automatic weapon was created [poddomen]. for example area VDS (can be created inside the folder or outside as conveniently) 2. it is necessary in the component gallery to touch up exterior view and to make a search according to the data base.http: / / / projects / 88145.html

Publication of web- application into AppStore

Customer: Maxim Of [churin] (maximchurin)
Category: Applications for PDA/Of pocketPC
Budget: ? We search for developer or command of developers under iPhone. Preference is given to commands. From the developer we wait first the description of skills and realized projects.http: / / / projects / 88158.html

Development on RNR

Customer: Petrik Of alex (wzorcam)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, Web- programming the budget: ? It is necessary to write the sending of orders from the site on following TZ.http: / / / projects / 88190.html

[Vostanovlenie] of site on DLE 7.3 (null)

Customer: Phoenix Dmitriy (AFenics)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, the Web- programming
Budget: we have to 50 USD: site with the damaged system and working [BD]. There are no [beykapov]. It is necessary: to restore system into the initial state without the loss of data on the site, to place several modes.http: / / / projects / 88165.html

To verify [nagrusku] to the site - simulation of the visitors

Customer: Suvorov Sergey (Suworoff)
Category: Testing [po], testing the web- sites
Budget: ? To verify [nagrusku] to the site - the simulation of [posititeley] it is necessary to verify site, how much [posititeley] it will maintain to that. It is necessary to simulate 950 virtual [posititeley], [kotoye] will create so many [konnektov] to the data base, and they will inquire 1 page 5 seconds each. Will have to make step by step: 1 stage - 100 [yuzerov] 2 stage - 500 [yuzerov] 3 stage - 950 [yuzerov] checking must pass as the evening, when small [trefik] on the site. Who [smozhit]?http: / / / projects / 88183.html

Development for the store on the basis Of webAsyst

Customer: Petrik Of alex (wzorcam)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of Web- application the budget: to 500 USD to give the store Of webAsyst against the correspondence with TZ.http: / / / projects / 88204.html

Control system of the base of the knowledge of enterprise (2)

Customer: Block Of andrei (PisatelClassic)
Category: Development of applied [po]
Budget: ? Is required the realization of the system of management of small enterprise, which includes both the standard modules (document circulation, account) and [spetsif]. for this enterprise of the taskhttp: / / / projects / 84391.html

To verify [nagrusku] to the site - simulation of the visitors

Customer: Suvorov Sergey (Suworoff)
Category: Testing [po], testing the web- sites
Budget: ? To verify [nagrusku] to the site - the simulation of [posititeley] it is necessary to verify site, how much [posititeley] it will maintain to that. It is necessary to simulate 950 virtual [posititeley], [kotoye] will create so many [konnektov] to the data base, and they will inquire 1 page 5 seconds each. Will have to make step by step: 1 stage - 100 [yuzerov] 2 stage - 500 [yuzerov] 3 stage - 950 [yuzerov] checking must pass as the evening, when small [trefik] on the site. Who [smozhit]?http: / / / projects / 88183.html

To make with java- menu on the site

Customer: [Dzhabrailov] Igor (igor-dzhabrailov)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: 3 USD how do you do. On the site there is a horizontal menu with that falling out I will substitute (by also horizontal) in Java. During the guidance to one of the points of menu is advanced horizontal I will substitute and IT APPEARS the horizontal warming up of site, what be there must not. They already broke head, they could not find reason. The aid of the experienced specialist (to make nothing not necessary, simply to look the code on the site and to give efficient advice) is necessary. Previously many thanks))http: / / / projects / 88187.html

Development on RNR

Customer: Petrik Of alex (wzorcam)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, Web- programming the budget: ? It is necessary to write the sending of orders from the site on following TZ.http: / / / projects / 88190.html

Publication of web- application into AppStore

Customer: Maxim Of [churin] (maximchurin)
Category: Applications for PDA/Of pocketPC
Budget: ? We search for developer or command of developers under iPhone. Preference is given to commands. From the developer we wait first the description of skills and realized projects.http: / / / projects / 88158.html

Mobile payments

Customer: [Ezhov] Andrey (vozhe)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? The system of the level of a1agregator/of planet3 assumes connection and support of companies, ready to assume mobile payments for its services. Internal control panel, statistics it is other it is required the support of resource already after starting. Proposals are examined only from St. Petersburg how long and money?http: / / / projects / 88163.html

Mobile payments

Customer: [Ezhov] Andrey (vozhe)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? The system of the level of a1agregator/of planet3 assumes connection and support of companies, ready to assume mobile payments for its services. Internal control panel, statistics it is other it is required the support of resource already after starting. Proposals are examined only from St. Petersburg how long and money?http: / / / projects / 88163.html

Publication of web- application into AppStore

Customer: Maxim Of [churin] (maximchurin)
Category: Applications for PDA/Of pocketPC
Budget: ? We search for developer or command of developers under iPhone. Preference is given to commands. From the developer we wait first the description of skills and realized projects.http: / / / projects / 88158.html

Script of the creation of [avatarok

Customer: Neo Of emso (Emso)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, system of administration [kontentom] the budget: ? Purchase script to the similarity of the site of or to write in [pmhttp: / / / projects / 88142.html

Joomla + Of multisites_Site_Manager + of gallery

Customer: Ilya (kewlman)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: 20 USD cost Joomla 1.015 + Of trueGallery + Of artio 1. necessary to place module for [multisaytovosti], that by automatic weapon was created [poddomen]. for example area VDS (can be created inside the folder or outside as conveniently) 2. it is necessary in the component gallery to touch up exterior view and to make a search according to the data base.http: / / / projects / 88145.html

To [skonvertirovat] base from Bloghoster into Wordpress MU

Customer: Mac Of mac (motoMac)
Category: Development of the data bases
Budget: 20 USD how do you do. There is a service of [blogov] on the cursor Of bloghoster. Cursor of sufficiently simple. I am going to move to the cursor Of wordpress MU ([multiyuzernaya] version). Base small, but to lose pitifully, therefore is desirable to preserve [yuzerov], their [blogi] and the like on the whole that it is required: I allow [bekap] of the base of bloghoster, it should be outdistanced into the size of base WP MU, after preserving: 1) users with the maximum of possible personal information (to what extent is allowed the similarity of cursors) 2) Of [blogi] of users with their records. 3) the commentaries of users with the retention of authorship, it is understood. On the whole to preserve everything which is possible, on the maximum.http: / / / projects / 88154.html

A similar script to the site is necessary

Customer: Tsaitler Of arthur (pokerua)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? Example of script here: http: // Is necessary the same, in the Russian language. Explanation: into the program is put text file from the history of the played distributions in the poker, which is created automatically [softom] of [pokerruma] (example there is to the right). On output- this distribution, but in the size of [flesh], which it is possible to examine the generated references to this [rozdachu], which can be placed in the network (forums, sites). Questions also of [predlozheniiya] with the tentative cost write in [privat].http: / / / projects / 88144.html

Catalog of firms to Dle

Customer: Alexus Of alexus (bricks)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: to 50 USD is necessary a good module of the catalog of firms for Dle, the card of enterprise and so forthhttp: / / / projects / 88150.html

Application for the visualization of poly-lines from [mashtabir].

Customer: [Ryabchich] Vladimir (Ent-ch)
Category: Applications for the telephones
Budget: to 50 USD necessary to create application which will visualize [polilinii] and points, with [mashtabirovaniem] on the screen of telephone. [Polilinii] and points will be described into xml file. It is necessary to organize the search for poly-lines and points, and the illumination of [naydenoy].http: / / / projects / 88089.html

CMS on [shablonizatore] Of smarty

Customer: [Feetisov] Nikolai (hrujd)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? Work with the tasks within the framework general TZ. Work for 5 months the minimum. There are no rigid periods in to [zadach] - a constant progressive work is important. You write if: - from Russia and you have a bank account; are well familiar from Smarty - they are accessible in the course of day on ICQ or [mail]- agent - you work daily (besides sb and [vs]) - you work stably without the disruptions (withdrawals to the session and the like) - you are oriented well in the strange code, themselves write the [komentirovannyy] code. - they are ready to progressive work on the documentation of system. Designate sum in the month with the load of 6 hours during the day.http: / / / projects / 88108.html

Editing of the script

Customer: Old men Maxim (smsminus)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? I cross from one sms -[billinga] to another. Aid in the trimming of script under the platform of new system sms, is necessary. WITH [PM] not to write! For the connection of icq three nine one, seven, three, five, [chetyresto] of eight Skype - max -shansonhttp: / / / projects / 88111.html

To edit the script

Customer: [Tkachuk] Oleg (RockDolphin)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? How do you do! Is necessary aid in [nastroye] of one small script. The essence of the work of script in the fact that with the running off of file from the site occurs passage according to the reference of the problem in the fact that these pass not they [zaschitivayutsya]. Is necessary man, which will lead script into the operational form, or will write a similar script from zero. So indicate price. My script can be looked in the application.http: / / / projects / 88128.html

Script of interaction of store and TsPP [Yandeks].[dengi

Customer: Nast Of design (nastdesign)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: 20 USD how do you do! It is necessary to make the script, which would interact between Internet- store and TsPP [Yandeks].[Dengi] through the http- protocol. Description of protocol in the inserted file. It is required to make from you: 1. pay form for the passage to the site Of [yandeks].[Dengi] for the payment. 2. script of checking order (checkURL.php) 3. script information about the payment (paymentAvisoURL.php) 4. script recovery into the store with the positive payment (successURL.php) 5. script recovery into the store with the negative payment or the failure (failURL.php) is required the executor, who worked with the data by protocol.http: / / / projects / 88093.html

Application for the visualization of poly-lines from [mashtabir].

Customer: [Ryabchich] Vladimir (Ent-ch)
Category: Applications for the telephones
Budget: to 50 USD necessary to create application which will visualize [polilinii] and points, with [mashtabirovaniem] on the screen of telephone. [Polilinii] and points will be described into xml file. It is necessary to organize the search for poly-lines and points, and the illumination of [naydenoy].http: / / / projects / 88089.html

Application for the visualization of poly-lines from [mashtabir].

Customer: [Ryabchich] Vladimir (Ent-ch)
Category: Applications for the telephones
Budget: to 50 USD necessary to create application which will visualize [polilinii] and points, with [mashtabirovaniem] on the screen of telephone. [Polilinii] and points will be described into xml file. It is necessary to organize the search for poly-lines and points, and the illumination of [naydenoy].http: / / / projects / 88089.html

Script of interaction of store and TsPP [Yandeks].[dengi

Customer: Nast Of design (nastdesign)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: 20 USD how do you do! It is necessary to make the script, which would interact between Internet- store and TsPP [Yandeks].[Dengi] through the http- protocol. Description of protocol in the inserted file. It is required to make from you: 1. pay form for the passage to the site Of [yandeks].[Dengi] for the payment. 2. script of checking order (checkURL.php) 3. script information about the payment (paymentAvisoURL.php) 4. script recovery into the store with the positive payment (successURL.php) 5. script recovery into the store with the negative payment or the failure (failURL.php) is required the executor, who worked with the data by protocol.http: / / / projects / 88093.html

Small net [prilozheie] for [Linuks

Customer: Aleksandrov Yaroslav (dominion86)
Category: Development of applied [po]
Budget: 7 USD it is necessary to realize plain multi-user chat room to [Linuks] [ispolzyvanie] of [tekhnogii] of [soketovhttp: / / / projects / 88055.html

Small net [prilozheie] for [Linuks

Customer: Aleksandrov Yaroslav (dominion86)
Category: Development of applied [po]
Budget: 7 USD it is necessary to realize plain multi-user chat room to [Linuks] [ispolzyvanie] of [tekhnogii] of [soketovhttp: / / / projects / 88055.html

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Work with the program Of rockwell Of arena

Customer: Klimov (afran)
Category: Control of projects, is other
Budget: ? It is necessary to make some actions in the program Of rockwell Of arena, in the [demo]- version.http: / / / projects / 88024.html

Work with the program Of rockwell Of arena

Customer: Klimov (afran)
Category: Control of projects, is other
Budget: ? It is necessary to make some actions in the program Of rockwell Of arena, in the [demo]- version.http: / / / projects / 88024.html

Course on the computational geometry (2)

Customer: Aleksandrov Yaroslav (dominion86)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts, the development of applied [po]
Budget: 30 USD [na] I to [zyke] Of paskal (Delfi), Of c++ or C# [neomkhodimo] to realize [sledushchuyu] [adachu]: The intersection of polyhedrons (simple, starry, convex) are assigned two polyhedrons P1 and P2 with n1 and n2 the apexes respectively in 3d space. To find their intersection.http: / / / projects / 86836.html

Script of the system of the method of the payments

Customer: [Oleksiychuk] Vladimir (oleksiychuk)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? Good evening respected [frilasery]. Me interests the script of the system of the method of payments for the exchange point Of webMoney. Analog of http: // noc=281807 of this that is sold. SCRIPT, interests. without the installations and the designs:) From you price. To write ONLY here WITH [ASYU] and [lichku] I do not read.http: / / / projects / 87984.html

To program (to create) to [neyroset

Customer: IceWind (IceWind)
Category: Development of applied ON, the development of system [po]
Budget: ? Good day! It is necessary to create to [neyroset] for the analysis of time series. It is desirable to realize on SI. Especially interests the construction of the map Of [kokhogonena]. However, the type of network can be any. I will examine any proposals. + interest consultations on [neyrosetyam].http: / / / projects / 87979.html

Aid: Fourier, interpolation, polynomials and so forth.

Customer: IceWind (IceWind)
Category: Development of applied ON, the development of system [po]
Budget: ? Good day! Interests theoretical or practical aid in the realization of project according to the analysis of time series. Set of instruments can be any mathematical (!) by the method: Fourier, polynomials, splines, interpolation, approximation the rest I will examine any proposals.http: / / / projects / 87980.html

Modification of program on Delphi

Customer: LiderJob (LiderJob)
Category: Development of applied [po]
Budget: 20 USD here very [proga] of http: // and here the task for it of http: // 26464084 [kraynyak] the evening of Mondayhttp: / / / projects / 87955.html

Modifications into 1[s

Customer: Rybkin Anatoliy (RibkinAnatol) the category: Development of applied ON the budget: ? It is necessary to make modifications in 1[S]8[ke] CRM of icq of ***http: / / / projects / 87947.html

Modifications into 1[s

Customer: Rybkin Anatoliy (RibkinAnatol) the category: Development of applied ON the budget: ? It is necessary to make modifications in 1[S]8[ke] CRM of icq of ***http: / / / projects / 87947.html

Modification of program on Delphi

Customer: LiderJob (LiderJob)
Category: Development of applied [po]
Budget: 20 USD here very [proga] of http: // and here the task for it of http: // 26464084 [kraynyak] the evening of Mondayhttp: / / / projects / 87955.html

Development of the automated exchange point

Customer: [Ermakova] Valentina (wmzex)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, the Web- programming
Budget: to 100 USD good day. Is necessary the development of the automated exchange point for WebMoney Of exchanger ( life not more than 1-2 days. I discuss all proposals strictly on the telephone. To write in [privat]: reference to your [portfolio] with the required indication of the number of telephone.http: / / / projects / 87936.html

Reading and filling of file.

Customer: [Kosinov] Arkady (rezak)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, the development of system [po]
Budget: to 50 USD there is the created file. it is necessary to ensure its further filling task on [s] ++ the connection of *** and [privathttp: / / / projects / 87935.html

Base of clients with the printout of the pay documents

Customer: [Purnyn] Victor (pvictors)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? It is necessary to develop system for conducting the base of clients, calculation of the activity of clients, addition of pay, generation of pay documents. Optimum architecture: PostgreSQL, GlassFish, Java (JSP, Struts). Are examined also proposals with another architecture.http: / / / projects / 87892.html

Programming 1[s

Customer: Ivan Of bolotov (artlog)
Category: Development of applied [po]
Budget: ? Is necessary the programmer of 1[s], the bond of 1[s] and ateol, writing of external workings, only Moscow icq of ***http: / / / projects / 87902.html

Transfer Of datso Of gallery 1.5 to DLE.

Customer: Morozov Dmitriy (1076)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? Many times heard, which comrade Datso's product is possible to adapt for CMS Of datalife Of engine. There is the already established gallery Of datsoGallery 1.5 with the sufficiently large number of images, naturally on CMS Of joomla. So there is established CMS Of datalife Of engine 7.2. It is necessary to make a component Of datsogallery module for DLE. What there will be proposals? price/periods.http: / / / projects / 87843.html

Parser aeronavigational [BD] from the size ARINC 424

Customer: Defenced Of technology (Defenced)
Category: Development of system ON, the development of applied [po]
Budget: ? How do you do, it is necessary to write the program (to Delphi or MS Of visual C), which would read data from the text file with the data in the size ARINC 424. For the [kazhnogo] type of object [BD] (airport, route, point the like) the program must generate the [sootvetstuyushchie] events (as the parser XML of files). + the simple test, which derives entire [otparsennuyu] [infu] into the sheet. The unfortunately complete description of size ARINC 424 i do not have; therefore it is necessary man this knowing size. Cost and periods write here or into [lichku].http: / / / projects / 87912.html

The script of the exchange point is necessary

Customer: Sokolov Tatiana (ainuk13)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, Web- programming the budget: ? The script of exchange point is necessary. Exchange of popular e-[deneghttp: / / / projects / 87922.html

Electronic chart of the city

Customer: Ivanov Andrey (dracovolans)
Category: Development of applied [po]
Budget: to 5000 USD it is necessary to develop that making it possible to work with the map in the size supported by the program Of arcGIS and the catalog of the organizations of city in the regime of survey and search. And by the arrangement of advertisement in the program.http: / / / projects / 87899.html

DLL for the work with the mail

Customer: Iron clays Igor Sergeyevich (gvozdok)
Category: Development of applied [po]
Budget: ? Is required to write DLL module to Visual Of c++ in which will be the function of sending, obtaining of mail. additional information on [emaylu] of ***http: / / / projects / 87920.html

Rss for DLE

Customer: [Bronnikov] Cyril (DeeTTass)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? It is necessary to develop rss for dle. So that with the addition of the news from Rss they would arise into the necessary places. As to http: // am most beginning programmer. I developed but that it did not come out on my site I I know there is this script for this sv of news of grabber it stands on such sites as on But will cost the generally completely established script to the site without the design completely working without the door posts?http: / / / projects / 87839.html

Coder and decoder on the code CRC

Customer: LiderJob (LiderJob)
Category: Development of applied [po]
Budget: 30 USD necessary to write on SI coder and decoder on the code CRC are the example to the realization of the code [BCHKH] on SI! Microsoft Of visual Of c++ of v6.0 period [pn]- W the example to [progi] and the exemplary description of the fact that is must [poluchitsya]=))) s l i l. R u/of *** the language Of microsoft Of visual Of c++ of v6.0 the period of *** .12.08 ICQ: ***http: / / / projects / 87874.html

Is necessary sms of [billing] on DLE, book library.

Customer: Grigoriy [Lukin] (lgregory)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? [Zdrastvuyte] respected [veblansery], he would want to learn the cost of development (if there is finished - purchase) [billinga] of sms which will be attached to the module of the library (it is necessary either the module of your development or, strange finished module [adaptirovanyy] under [billing]), leave periods, price, [portfolio] - desirably that there would be works [svyazanye] with [billingami]. In ICQ to [nepisat], write in [lichku] and proposals. TZ I can write complete after the consideration of finesses into Icq;http: / / / projects / 87883.html

Automation of processing the price lists

Customer: Sergeyev Pavel (Pablo448)
Category: Development of applied [po]
Budget: 200 USD are price lists of the size Of excel from several suppliers. From them [putem] of the [opredelennykh] conversions [pluchaetsya] working price list. It is necessary to automate working (conversion) Prices suppliers into the working price list on the assigned criteria.http: / / / projects / 87919.html

Parser aeronavigational [BD] from the size ARINC 424

Customer: Defenced Of technology (Defenced)
Category: Development of system ON, the development of applied [po]
Budget: ? How do you do, it is necessary to write the program (to Delphi or MS Of visual C), which would read data from the text file with the data in the size ARINC 424. For the [kazhnogo] type of object [BD] (airport, route, point the like) the program must generate the [sootvetstuyushchie] events (as the parser XML of files). + the simple test, which derives entire [otparsennuyu] [infu] into the sheet. The unfortunately complete description of size ARINC 424 i do not have; therefore it is necessary man this knowing size. Cost and periods write here or into [lichku].http: / / / projects / 87912.html

Electronic chart of the city

Customer: Ivanov Andrey (dracovolans)
Category: Development of applied [po]
Budget: to 5000 USD it is necessary to develop that making it possible to work with the map in the size supported by the program Of arcGIS and the catalog of the organizations of city in the regime of survey and search. And by the arrangement of advertisement in the program.http: / / / projects / 87899.html

Programming 1[s

Customer: Ivan Of bolotov (artlog)
Category: Development of applied [po]
Budget: ? Is necessary the programmer of 1[s], the bond of 1[s] and ateol, writing of external workings, only Moscow icq of ***http: / / / projects / 87902.html

Base of clients with the printout of the pay documents

Customer: [Purnyn] Victor (pvictors)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? It is necessary to develop system for conducting the base of clients, calculation of the activity of clients, addition of pay, generation of pay documents. Optimum architecture: PostgreSQL, GlassFish, Java (JSP, Struts). Are examined also proposals with another architecture.http: / / / projects / 87892.html