Saturday, December 27, 2008

[Servernaya] part and application from Google Of maps

Customer: Geo Of soft (geoSoft)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, the development of applied [po]
Budget: ? [Servernaya] part: application hears out the specific port, obtains information (coordinates), it preserves into the base. Multi-flow. Table application: the chain of coordinates is obtained from the base of coordinate/, it reflects them in the form the points/of broken line on the map Of google Of map. TZ now is not allowed, t [k] in this time goes the selection of the candidatures, which developed similar products. [Portfolio], by resume to dispatch to *** the required requirements: the development of [servernykh] applications (Java, Microsoft.NET) work from Google Of map API in the applications. the presence of finished works ([portfolio])http: / / / projects / 88941.html

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