Saturday, September 27, 2008

Russifitsirovaniye of the program

Customer: Teplenev Maxim (Teplenew) The category: Technical transfers,
the development of applied ON the budget: to 100 usd it is necessary
to russifitsirovat' the following program: http:
// (version 2002). Each, who
is ready to Russianize it, you will ascertain that you accomplished
the ukzannye actions: 1. Skachali became acquainted with the program.
2. They examined it of intstrumentakh utilized by you and ascertained
that it yields to change. Furthermore, it is necessary to change
everywhere types (with MS Gothic and MS P Gothic to what or sane, for
example Arial). Payment - only for the fact of obtaining result and
testing by me. If to you everywhere seem to swindlers - can pass by
this project.http: / / / projects / 73546.html

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