Friday, October 31, 2008

CRM to select and to dispose

Customer: Sakharov Yuri (softfind)
Category: Development of applied ON, the system administration
Budget: ? It is necessary to solve task in the search for [softa] for the small company. In the company works the base of 1[S] 8 [UT]. Is necessary CRM- program on the base of 1[S] or other production, which must: 1) to ensure the monitoring of operation/of events according to the contractor 2) dispatch to it [meylov] 3) the dispatch of faxes 2) and 3) - is better on the list immediately by all, to whom it is must. Is necessary the auto-collection of [tel].[nomera], work with the set is implied.http: / / / projects / 79292.html

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