Friday, October 10, 2008

Funktsiaya of a change in the dimensions of image C++ GDI+

Customer: Hares Vyacheslav (Lacki) the category: Development of
applied ON the budget: ? HRESULT functionname(.IMediaSample *
pMediaSample) {AM_.MEDIA_.TYPE * pmt =
&(.m_.pInput->.ChurrentMediaType()); VIDEOINFOHEADER * pvi =
(VIDEOINFOHEADER *) pmt->.pbFormat; BYTE * pData; //Pointer to the
actual image buffer pMediaSample->.GetPointer(&.pData); pvi this
BITMAPINFOHEADER} it is necessary to create through GDI+ this bitmap,
to otskalirovat' it and to return result into pDatahttp: / / / projects / 75572.html

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