Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Several modules/of scripts for simple CMS

Customer: Sailors Fedor (MTF)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? There is a resource (library of electronic texts) on the [samopisnoy] simple of cms. The running off of files is opened. It is necessary: - to look the code and to restore the function of running off; - to add into [adminku] module/the script of the limitation of running off from the assigned parameters; - to add into [adminku] module/the script of the removal of reviews from [BD]; Work to competent specialist - for the hour/two additional information - to aspirants into [lichku]. It is required from the executor: - [portfolio], opinions - to be on the connection on icq the payment: only through the safe transaction, WM on the sums of work - further of tracking on the single demands.http: / / / projects / 86204.html

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