Wednesday, January 28, 2009

[blog] on [invaytam

Customer: Valentinas (x666x)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? Is required the script of [bloga]. registration closed. i.e., to be registered is possible having only obtained [invayt]. to visit to the site without having introduced [login] \ password into the form cannot (approximate example in [attache]). inside the site of [blog]. each registered can write here both the commentaries and posts to the main thing. the rating of posts is conducted. so the rating of users. are [adminy], super- [modery], [modery]. [Admin] the panel, where will be control users, by [postavmi] and [td]. also still some trifles. propose price and periods. payment WMZhttp: / / / projects / 93564.html

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