Wednesday, January 7, 2009

CS of server DLE

Customer: [Nazarenko] Ivan (ryschij)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, the development of the games
Budget: to 100 USD necessary to make so that would be derived [infa] about player- how much it would kill, how much it died, what he has authority, status of his, generally as here here http: // 788.png, here is [saytik] of it is made exactly as I I want, only I should this make to DLE and most important so that the user could not visit on server thus far not it [zaregaetsya] on the site, and then can visit on server after indicating his data into confige of the game of counter of strike server for the game and site will be it is located on one server!http: / / / projects / 89999.html

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