Saturday, January 3, 2009

Initialization of com- port on Delphi.

Customer: [Motovilin] Denis (motoden)
Category: Development of applied [po]
Budget: ? Situation is such: there is it [gadzhet], joined to the computer through the kilohms- port. It is necessary to write form in Delphi with one button, on the pressure on which the kilohms- port initializes and [podaet] stress on one of 9 pins (on what - themselves select. It is surely best only 8 (CTS)). The stress from the pin must be dropped on the repeated pressure on the button. The name of button in the course of these two processes changes on by off and vice versa. Program to write with [kommentami]. So that I would understand as it works! I cry 200[r]. on [vebmani].http: / / / projects / 89587.html

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