Friday, January 16, 2009

To create the class periodical

Customer: [Kungurov] Alexander (hitai)
Category: Web- programming, the development of applied [po]
Budget: to 50 USD is necessary writing program. which will take data from Exel and place them on the site with the cursor Of wordPress, in the program they must be the field of entrance for [yuzerov] and [adminov]. Data (document Of exel) imported by one of [yuzerov] to the site can be substituted with the same document, but by already [redaktirovannym] administrator. The data are placed into the different records and are published on the site (when write, personally I will explain that for the data and where they must they [kidatsya]). Program must support the creation of new [yuzerov] and [adminov], and so their removal (this function is achieved chief administrator). On all questions ICQ: *** Alexanderhttp: / / / projects / 91591.html

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