Saturday, November 8, 2008

Parser for the XML- file from

Customer: Kuprin Rodion (468468)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, the Internet- stores
Budget: 100 USD how do you do! Is required the development of the parser of the xml- file, which was prepared for script it must work on the crown, carry out the following actions: 1. to [parsit] file into the table Of mySQL 2. to re-name the previously flooded photos, according to simple rule 3. to transfer photo in to friend folder. 4. record of information about the additional photos into the table [khost] it works under unix if there is the alternative, which table with the references in the photograph, is ready to listen at the output of [vydaet]. Budget can be changed to the large side, leave proposals.http: / / / projects / 80472.html

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