Saturday, November 8, 2008

Solution of problem with the pay module of 2[SO].com

Customer: [Fouler] Irina (IrinaF)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: 30 USD it is necessary to solve problem with the already established module of 2[SO] on the site Of osCommerce with the pushing of the knob Of check Of out (to purchase), we obtain here this error Of fatal of error: Cannot of redeclare of class of pm2checkout in/home/of content/j/e/R/of jeremiah2012/HTML/of catalog/of includes/of modules/of payment/of pm2checkout.php on of line 18 I hope for the fast answer, Irina [Oplata] Western Of union or Of cash (if from Kiev) ICQ of *** of ***http: / / / projects / 80507.html

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