Friday, December 19, 2008

Store to osCommerce is not indexed

Customer: Pieces of coal Roman (mrAborigen)
Category: Scripts/of Web- application, the Internet- stores
Budget: the store to osCommerce is not indexed by search systems possibly to 50 USD: 1. sessions spiders do interfere with 2. index.php? cPath=xxx and index.php? cpath=xxx different pages 3. all curved demands return index 4. other, to me unknown problem standard t to assembling extended. Only for those, who previously solved this problem and accurately is understood in what its root. You will be able to produce previously by you set and completely indexed [shop] (main thing all pages of the type of index.php? cPath=xxx and index.php? cPath=xxx_[khkhkh])? It is necessary, by analogy with the previously accomplished by you work, to touch up the code of my [shopa]. Waited indexings must not be. [Ssyloko] is not must. Only work with the code.http: / / / projects / 87631.html

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