Sunday, December 14, 2008

To tighten the pair of chips on JS to the forum IPB (2)

Customer: Darz Of otto (DaRZ)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? It is necessary to tighten the pair of chips on JS to the forum IPB. Namely: 1. here is [skrin] - http: // must be made so that on the pressure on nick would occur insert into the form of the early reply of the nick of user (necessary to alter this of the modes of http: // 1.1 on the pressure on the triangle so that would appear standard [menyushka] of profile 2. necessary to make the possibility of the quotation of that isolated + to derive [sootvetstvuyushchu] button price/periods PS: To [nevizhu] of price or periods - I slant proposal. Work must be [predostavlenna] in the form of instruction (to find [khkhkh] to replace by [uuu], to find bbb put above ddd)http: / / / projects / 83722.html

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