Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Control panel of hosting.

Customer: Lendiak Of nikita (lollik)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? It decided to create free hosting, but I do not want to buy [Resseling] it [khost]. I here describe what must be done - to create the control panel and registration of [akkaunta] for the users. In the control panel - change of password on FTP (if it is possible), in main [akkaunte], the system of [tiketov], control with the domains (To [toest] demand it will go to administrator, or into [adminku]). With the registration - [Login], password, password for FTP, e -[mayl], domain (selection its domain, or the third level) - further this entire the demand let of [idet] to administrator and so that the user could visit into the control panel for the survey of the commentary of activation or blocking of demand to [besp].[khosting]. For refining the task ICQ of *** (Nikita)http: / / www.weblancer.net / projects / 92225.html

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