Tuesday, January 20, 2009

[Grabber]- is very interesting

Customer: Adm of logs (adm_log)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? [Zadachya]: is necessary [grabber] of [kontenta] placenta by working this [kontenta]. the sense of task to [otpishu] personally all interesting themselves. Requirements for the executor: is necessary real pro since project this not simple to [kakoynit] [graber]. and entire system. the knowledge of php, .NEt, AJAX, MySQL, ORACLE and in all which can it will be required for the realization of the [nesamogo] light project from zero. the possibility of work both in the office (Kiev) and [nadomu], the conclusion of agreement -compulsory. Required requirement for the candidates the stay of [g].[Kiev] coma [interestno] leave contacts (soap, [asku]) - I will be connected and let us have a talk.http: / / www.weblancer.net / projects / 92146.html

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