Tuesday, January 20, 2009

To program [fleshku] Of actionscript+javascript

Customer: Is cherry Alexander Vasilyevich (OXOTnick)
Category: Flash, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? Necessary to program [fleshku] to the contact with the server (promise of introduced into [fleshku] information through $POST the reception of information from the server through XML + necessary to create in addition to [fleshke] Of javascript which will tell [fleshke] of which of its layers must be shown. [Fleshka] itself these are registration to [sayte]+ entrance to the site. Drawing is already finished- necessary only program part. It is desirable to make [fleshku] after today. In more detail I will explain through [asyu] (look in [lichke]).http: / / www.weblancer.net / projects / 92127.html

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