Sunday, January 18, 2009

To create the static pages

Customer: [Bolgarov] Alexander (rosbiz)
Category: Web- programming, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? It is necessary to create module static pages for the cursor Of [drupal]. Static pages such as on DLE now there is no such function to ukr - firma. com must be made so that through [adminku] I could make empty [stat] of page. To [t].[e] cap remains and right column also, leftist they must not be visible, and here all this vacant place is empty and here through [adminku] I already add description so that would compulsorily work by HTML I these [stat] of page will use for example for the description ABOUT THE SITE either THE RULE or THE ACTION and so forth write your periods and prices. Is compulsory the skill to work from [drupal].http: / / / projects / 91782.html

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