Thursday, January 22, 2009

Is necessary fresh [BD] of the [selkhozproizvoditeley

Customer: [Volokhov] Andrey (zerno)
Category: Development of the data bases
Budget: ? Is necessary fresh [BD] of [selkhozproizvoditeley], in [chasnosti] of cereal crops on (Rostov reg., Krasnodar crit., Voronezh reg., Volgograd reg., Stavropol of crit.), base must contain name, form of property (kolkhoz, farmer economy, [SPK]), laying out by the regions of edge or region, complete address, tel., [tel].[sot] if exists, Email if exists, I will examine finished versions, also, under [razrobotku], shell does not have a value, the main thing urgency and fullness, I wait your proposals.http: / / / projects / 92544.html

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