Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Parser of mysql [BD] (search on the mask into the names of columns)

Customer: Yuri Maximov (jobgiver)
Category: Scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? [Loginimsya] according to the data: [login] pass [khost]. [idem] for each accessible for reading [BD]. in each base of [idem] for each table. in each table we look the names of columns. if in the name of column is a text on the mask, for an example of username, adress, etc. we make the dump of this table, with gzip- them, and we draw off. and so with each table, which [udoletvoryaet] to conditions. and so thus far not it [proparsit] all data bases. Leave contacts, proposals. Let us discuss more detailedly. Realization: PHP, Perlhttp: / / www.weblancer.net / projects / 92168.html

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