Sunday, January 18, 2009

To touch up css the file

Customer: [Chindyaeva] Victoria (slezka)
Category: HTML- imposition, the scripts/of the Web- application
Budget: ? Is [saytig] [sdelanyy] on [dzhumle] ([dzhustine]) http: // template of [dzhumla] its css is also had certain script built in [kontent]. this script has its css also (earlier than [vstravivaniya] it was not planned). here is page with the built-in script of http: // lekar.php as a result occurs the imposition of css and will go design. especially strongly will go in [IE] 6,7 since in the template they are present css of khaki for these browsers. On the whole it is necessary to give this into the normal mode having desirably minimally affected TsSS of template and to guide in essence to [tsssku] of script. A change in the color range is allowed. request to indicate price and period.http: / / / projects / 91778.html

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